Christianity Sucks ~ A Frank Discussion on Dealing with Christians ~
First I will say that I believe that every person on the planet has a right to believe in any religion, no matter how stupid it is. I also believe that every person has a right to free speech and a right to talk about stupid religions and the reasons they are stupid, even if "people of faith" get offended. Just because I respect your right to practice your stupid religion doesn't mean that I have any respect for it, nor do I have to pretend your religion isn't stupid and/or isn't a dangerous and destructive cult. If you are offended by frank discussions of religions, you can leave now.
I find Christians particularly offensive. Everyone is going to burn in Hell except them. They have no respect for any other religion. In fact, most Christians hate most other Christians. The Pentecostals think the Catholics are all going to burn in Hell. It's a very dishonest religion and has a holier than thou culture; they believe they are better than everyone else. They like to pose as persecuted, but more often than not they are the persecutors. They tend to lie and steal a lot because they are "forgiven" and therefore can indulge in sin. The religion is theoretically based on the Bible which is, quite frankly, a stupid book, and certainly not written by a God. But Christians hardly follow their own teachings and are more likely to cheat and steal than your average person off the street. |
The core of Christian belief is based on the idea that everyone has sinned, and, because you have done something wrong, God will punish you by burning you with fire, or otherwise torturing you forever. If a 5 year-old tells a lie and then dies, God will burn that kid in Hell forever. Out here in the real world, if someone behaved like God supposedly does, that person would be considered severely mentally deranged. We put people who behave like God in jail or mental institutions. In fact, many people are locked up every year for imitating the "Wrath of God".
If Jesus could see what Christianity has evolved into, he'd be spinning in his grave!
Then there's this Jesus guy who's supposed to be "God's Son", born of a virgin, because sex is something evil, and he's here to cut a deal to get you around his dad's wrath. God has an anger problem you see, and so he has to sacrifice his own kid to appease himself so that he doesn't have to torture people, that he created, forever in Hell. So, Jesus has to die on the Cross for your sins, but then he's resurrected, so he's not really dead anymore. And now he's "paid the price" so those who "believe" in him will not fry in Hell like the rest of us.
Even though God created the universe and created billions of us, and he's all powerful and all knowing, he seems to have an identity problem and is so insecure that he needs us to worship him. Kind of like a kid shaking his fist over an ant colony demanding to be worshiped and obeyed, but on a much larger scale. God loves us but needs to punish us, unless we worship him. It's like God is some southern hick child abuser or something. Maybe we should call family services on God for child abuse? Anyhow, Christians believe God has a God sized ego problem and needs us to worship him, or he throws fits like destroying the world and such. God doesn't seem to have much control over his behavior and often is controlled by his own strong emotions.
God doesn't seem to really care much about what you do, but in what you believe in. It's "faith" not "works" that impress God. So, a mass murderer who gets "saved" during his lethal injection will go to Heaven, but the Dalai Lama is going to burn in Hell. So, you can be bad all your life and change at the last minute and get into Heaven. Christians obviously think God is pretty stupid and will fall for something like that. Actually, they don't "think" that because you're not supposed to think. You've got to "have faith" to believe something that stupid. Faith is the belief in something that has no basis in logic or reason.
The bottom line is, Christianity is about the fear of going to Hell. They say it's about "love" too, but hey, people who love you don't torture you in Hell forever, so I'm not buying the "he loves you" crap. And even though God created the universe, he's just not very good with money, and he needs you to give him your cash. God was a lot more out there in ancient times than he is today. God likes to work behind the screens, being the invisible guy in the sky, and letting the churches do his work. He doesn't talk directly, so he needs babbling nut cases to speak for him, (in tongues), with another nut case interpreting it. God is rather impotent these days and his authority seems to be limited to getting even with you after you're dead. So God needs his army of Christian Soldiers to do his work for him. |
God isn't powerful enough to save everyone, so only the "chosen few" make it in. The Jehovah's Witnesses have set the number at 144,000 people, and that's it. Only Christians get in, and then it's limited to only "True Christians". A True Christian is your personal flavor of Christianity and most all other Christians are not really Christians, but are really working for the Devil. Satan seems to have more influence here than God does. Satan is some fallen angel who somehow suckered God way back when and got power. I guess someone stupid enough to believe a death bed conversion can fall for anything, and isn't very bright. So Satan is misleading all but the chosen few who are True Christians and are going to Heaven.
This creates a dilemma. With all the flavors of Christianity out there, how does a person find the True Christians? I guess you're supposed to "know it in your heart" but there are a lot of Christians out there who are listening to God speak to their hearts and getting a lot of conflicting information. God is having a hard time getting his story consistent it would seem, or you have Satan out there pretending to be God, and, if you are fooled, God is going to punish you. Remember, God is one seriously pissed off dude and has no room for error!
So, Unlike other religions, like Jews and Buddhists, Christians believe that God has chosen them and therefore they are better than everyone. And because of that, they have no respect for anything other than their own limited and narrow perception of the world as their particular flavor of Christianity sees it. |
Christianity is as much based on culture as it is on dogma. Christian culture is rooted in the belief that you're better than everyone else. That because Christians are forgiven, they are "washed in the blood of the lamb". They are chosen, going to Heaven, while the rest of us are going to burn in Hell. Christians are "morally superior" to the rest of us because "God is on their side" and the rest of us are "tools of Satan" we are "unclean" and we are "evil" while they are "clean" and "good". They believe the bottom line is, "we're good, they're evil" and therefore the rest of us are below subhuman heathens. And they will tell you this to your face. And it's ok if they do it, but if someone says that "Christianity is a cult for weak minded people" -- My God! You're persecuting Christ!
Since Christians are the chosen ones and they speak for God, then what they believe defines what it "moral" and what is "immoral". This has little to do with actual ethics, but there is some overlap. Murder is generally considered a bad thing in all cultures. Atheists and Realists agree with that. But sex is considered immoral outside the context of Christian marriage, and in the case of Catholics, outside the context of reproduction. Sex is not a form of amusement to Catholics and is look upon as a necessary evil to repopulate the planet. Birth control is also considered a sin to many Christian cults. Christians fail to realize that if sex were limited to the context of Christianity, the human race would have become extinct, which would however eliminate sin and keep God from getting pissed off.
Christians go to church mostly for the purpose of reinforcing their beliefs in their own self-righteousness and moral superiority. There they can show off their "faith" in front of their fellow worshipers and participate in cult membership rituals so that they can feel secure that they are an accepted member of their tribe. It allows them to reaffirm their beliefs through mutual ego masturbation, where members reaffirm to each other that they are God's chosen few. People speak in gibberish (tongues) and tell stories of miracles that never happened. It's pretty scary stuff when you realize that these people are really sharing a mass mental illness ritual that is further separating them from the real world and causing them to believe things and behave in ways that have no basis in reality whatsoever. |
Another form of Christian Ego Masturbation is the fetus fetish. On the surface Christians portray themselves as "God's righteous army fighting the evil Satan worshipers who are slaughtering innocent little babies that
result from their uncontrolled sexual urges." But in reality, Christians don't care about "the baby" and once they get past preventing an abortion, the mother and child are on their own. The real issue behind fighting
abortion is that Christians believe that children (bastards) are God's way of punishing women for being sluts.
Pregnancy is God's way of punishing teenage girls for being sluts.
But the Christian Fetus Fetish is also an extension of Christian group sex rituals and an expression of Christian group sexuality as a whole. Christianity is one of the most sexually obsessed religions on the planet. Sexuality permeates Christian rituals.Christians perform a form of sadistic sexual oppression on young girls, waiting for them to sin, and then holding them in public disdain for their sexual evils. It is Satan, after all, who creates "lust in the heart" so Satan represents the incarnation of Christian sexual desire, and pregnancy is God's punishment for allowing Satan to use their bodies for sexual purposes. A teen carrying a baby allows Christians to entertain themselves with a judgment ritual of the girl who can't "hide her shame". Guilt and shame sexual rituals are a big part of Christian culture, and the sensation of moral superiority is very addictive and destructive.
Pregnancy and being a young unwed mother label a woman as a slut and allow her to be used as a judgment object and someone to secretly be lusted after as a "bad girl in the church". They become objects of gossip and contribute much entertainment to the Christian community. Abortion threatens this experience because it allows women to sin without punishment, and thus encourages women to do the Devil's work (have sex) and get away with it. It denies the sexual experience associated with the judgment of the fallen, and the men of the church have no clear way of knowing which young women are sexually active and perhaps available for extramarital activity. So through Abortion, the congregation is denied the opportunity to take advantage of the young girls in their community.
The Abortion issue also gives Christians something to do, something to stand for, to create an identity around an issue. Woman who are pregnant are very vulnerable, especially if they are young. After all, what's a 14 year old pregnant girl going to do? These young girls represent a sexual commodity and abortion turns them back into normal little girls again. But they are an easy target, and Christianity is a religion for lazy believers who don't want to have to work hard to get their moral fix. Therefore picking on little girls becomes an easy job, as compared to ending poverty and feeding the homeless. |
We, as humans like to think of ourselves as special. The idea that we will die and simply cease to exist is a scary thought, and difficult to comprehend. We want to think that this planet is more than a speck of dust in the universe among trillions of other similar planets where there may be billions of life forms more advanced than us. We like to think of ourselves as above the animals and that somehow this planet is special, that humans are special, and that we as individuals are special. Therefore, we are ripe for wanting to believe religions that tell us what we want to hear, rather than what's true.
Christianity tells us what we want to hear. That there is an omnipotent parent figure in the sky who watches out for us, loves us, and that we are special. It says that we will never die, appeasing our need to believe we will live forever, in a better place, where all our problems go away. Do I want that, sure! Who wouldn't? But is it true? Unfortunately, no it's not. If you want to live forever you'll have a far better chance by donating your money to genetic research than to a religion. Something to consider the next time you write that check.
Sex is also a source of human denial. We humans are above the animals, we would believe, and we don't indulge in "instinct" because we are intelligent and we use "reason" and "logic" instead. Yes, we do, but reason and logic are newcomers and instinct has been around a lot longer and is a lot more powerful. And sex is the biggest example of behavior that puts us right there with the animals. It's pure instinct and there's very little difference in how we mate than every other creature that mates. In many cases, we aren't even as good at it as the average male dog.
Sex is a necessary human function. We are the decedents of 3 billion years of sex. There are people who have risen above their instincts to control their sexuality, but those people are not our ancestors. We are the descedants of those who failed to control their sexuality, or had no desire to control it. It's an instinct honed by billions of years of evolution, and much of our behavior is controlled by our sexual instincts.
Christianity is based on sexual denial and sex becomes the "work of the Devil". It equates sex with evil and irresistible temptations, caused by Satan, to steal the souls of Christians from God and subject you to eternal punishment. Sex is an easy target because when you're not having sex, it seems like bizarre behavior. Other instincts, like eating, breathing, drinking seem more natural and one would quickly die if denied. Therefore sex is the best target for redefinition as sin. But sex is life and without it we wouldn't be here. Yet Christians have criminalized human reproduction outside the domain of their control. If sex is immoral, then life is immoral. |
Since Christians are right, and everyone else is wrong, Christians are mandated to expand their cult to try to include everyone in the world. They want Christian controlled governments to enforce their Christian way of life on the masses, and to have the authority to punish the non-believers. The idea of personal rights and liberties is contrary to surrendering your life and free will to Jesus and doing "his work" as dictated by the church. After all, if you're not serving Christ, you're serving Satan, and you are the tool of the Devil and serving an evil purpose. So the idea of personal liberty and free thinking is the same as giving rights to Satan to be evil. Something God would never approve of but seems powerless to stop. The omnipotent creator seems to have to rely on us mere mortals to do his work for him, and we, according to Christianity, have that task of winning souls over to Christ. So it's ok to repress the heathen non-believers because we heathens are the enemy of God. Obviously, Satan is working through me right now making me write this, and you're being influenced by Satan in reading it. Pray that you don't believe a word I say!
Christianity has no respect for any other religion, including other flavors of Christians.
So because of this Christians have a (not so) secret agenda to control the world. They come beating on your doors because you are "possessed by the Devil," and they have a holy duty to "convert you to Jesus" so that you and your family won't burn in Hell forever. Not all religions are evangelical. Jews don't come around beating your door asking "do you know Moses?" In fact, the Jews don't want you to convert and make you study and pass tests if you really want to join. Most Christians who convert to Judaism are doing it out of some weird twisted form of Christian craziness because they want to convert Jews or assimilate Jews as a form of Christianity. Christians seem to be obsessed with Jews and Jews would rather be left alone, as would every other noncritical religious group. |
Unlike most religions that hold you accountable for your behavior, Christian salvation is based on what you believe. It's your faith, not your works, that gets you into Heaven. Christians are "forgiven" their sins; therefore Christians can go out and sin and get away with it.
However, Christians aren't supposed to sin. Sin is the Devil working through you and is considered a bad indicator as to the state of your "faith". So sin is discouraged, but there is no direct relationship between your behavior and judgment because you're not judged on what you did (wrong) but on what you believe in. This allows Christian to have two standards of behavior: what they are supposed to do, and what they are allowed to get away with. Christianity caters to lazy and irresponsible believers who can continue unethical practices that most other religions wouldn't put up with. Jews also believe in judgment, but judgment is tied to what you do, not what you say you believe in. Jews believe that what you do is a true reflection of what you really believe. Eastern religions are similar except that instead of the Heaven/Hell/Judgement paradigm it's about moving up and down the reincarnation ladder.
In general Christianity is a cult and a menace to society.
All these beliefs are equally stupid, but a religion that ties personal behavior to rewards or punishment beyond death at least serves the purpose of intimidating stupid people into being good. On that account Christianity fails to make that connection and it therefore condones implicitly irresponsible behavior among its followers.
Christianity is also an ecologically irresponsible religion. Christians believe that Christ is coming back and is going to destroy the world, and therefore it's ok to trash the planet because Jesus is going to destroy it anyhow. This destruction is going to occur in our lifetime; however, we did make it through Y2K and Jesus isn't here yet, and if I were a Christian, I'd be getting pretty nervous that Armageddon is coming any time soon. Nonetheless, Christians don't accept that this planet is a finite ball in space, and it's our home (for now) and that we have to keep it clean and livable.
The biggest ecological threat we have is overpopulation. Christianity is the enemy, in general, of responsible family planning, which includes access to abortions and birth control. The church opposes the use of new technologies that empower women to have control and choice as to when they will reproduce. Christianity considers sex a sin and pregnancy to be a deterrent to sexual behavior, and to remove the penalty of pregnancy would result in increased sexual activity. However, the church's opposition to birth control, mostly by Catholics, has resulted in overpopulation and has increased famine, disease, and death. Christianity has not been the friend of preserving the limited resources of the planet. |
Christianity is a "we're better than you" religion that openly disdains all other religions, including other Christians. It creates a highly exaggerated sense of self-importance that is sustained by the oppression and judgment of others. Christians see the world as a battlefield where God is at war with the Devil. The adversaries are fighting this war through human surrogates with Christians as the good guys and everyone else as the bad guys. And since this is a holy war, all is fair. It is ok for Christians to be dishonest in order to gain power to fight for Jesus.
For example, if a Christian were to kill me for posting this web page, publicly the churches would condemn it as murder and wrong. However, in their hearts they would be thankful that some one killed me because I am an instrument of Satan and therefore deserve to die. I would be an enemy killed in battle. At a minimum, they are out there praying for my soul, because I am lost, and they are found.
From the perspective of a non-believer, I see Christians in general as self-righteous, hate-filled, and indulging in behavior that is very bizarre. If someone is speaking in tongues, either God is speaking through them, or they are so mentally ill that they are hallucinating that God is speaking through them. Is God really speaking through them? Well, if God is all powerful then can't he speak for himself? If not, God has a problem. If so, then the Christian who thinks he's speaking for God has a problem. The bottom line is, Christianity is a cult, actually, thousands of related cults, and as a culture, it sucks. |
Christians have problems talking about us non-christians as being evil and controlled by Satan, but they scream Christian persecution every time someone like me tells the truth about their religion. They can say I'm condemned to burn in Hell because I'm a filthy sinner, but I'm not supposed to say Christianity is a dangerous mind cult that leads to delusional behavior. It's ok for them to envision a world rid of the non-Christian heathens, but I'm not supposed to envision a world where people have figured out what a stupid belief system Christianity is, and it goes away like the belief that the world is flat went away.
My religion supports free speech and the free exchange of ideas. As I said, even though I believe that Christianity is a cult, people have the freedom to be part of that cult. But I'm tired of being shoved around by Christian bigots who would oppress my freedom to talk about reality the way it really is. Christianity sucks. It's a piss poor religion, and I'm tired of dealing with these in-your-face assholes who mistakenly believe that they are God's chosen people. |
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