Another form of Christian Ego Masturbation is the fetus fetish. On the surface Christians portray themselves as "God's righteous army fighting the evil Satan worshipers who are slaughtering innocent little babies that
result from their uncontrolled sexual urges." But in reality, Christians don't care about "the baby" and once they get past preventing an abortion, the mother and child are on their own. The real issue behind fighting
abortion is that Christians believe that children (bastards) are God's way of punishing women for being sluts.
Pregnancy is God's way of punishing teenage girls for being sluts.
But the Christian Fetus Fetish is also an extension of Christian group sex rituals and an expression of Christian group sexuality as a whole. Christianity is one of the most sexually obsessed religions on the planet. Sexuality permeates Christian rituals.Christians perform a form of sadistic sexual oppression on young girls, waiting for them to sin, and then holding them in public disdain for their sexual evils. It is Satan, after all, who creates "lust in the heart" so Satan represents the incarnation of Christian sexual desire, and pregnancy is God's punishment for allowing Satan to use their bodies for sexual purposes. A teen carrying a baby allows Christians to entertain themselves with a judgment ritual of the girl who can't "hide her shame". Guilt and shame sexual rituals are a big part of Christian culture, and the sensation of moral superiority is very addictive and destructive.
Pregnancy and being a young unwed mother label a woman as a slut and allow her to be used as a judgment object and someone to secretly be lusted after as a "bad girl in the church". They become objects of gossip and contribute much entertainment to the Christian community. Abortion threatens this experience because it allows women to sin without punishment, and thus encourages women to do the Devil's work (have sex) and get away with it. It denies the sexual experience associated with the judgment of the fallen, and the men of the church have no clear way of knowing which young women are sexually active and perhaps available for extramarital activity. So through Abortion, the congregation is denied the opportunity to take advantage of the young girls in their community.
The Abortion issue also gives Christians something to do, something to stand for, to create an identity around an issue. Woman who are pregnant are very vulnerable, especially if they are young. After all, what's a 14 year old pregnant girl going to do? These young girls represent a sexual commodity and abortion turns them back into normal little girls again. But they are an easy target, and Christianity is a religion for lazy believers who don't want to have to work hard to get their moral fix. Therefore picking on little girls becomes an easy job, as compared to ending poverty and feeding the homeless.