The core of Christian belief is based on the idea that everyone has sinned, and, because you have done something wrong, God will punish you by burning you with fire, or otherwise torturing you forever. If a 5 year-old tells a lie and then dies, God will burn that kid in Hell forever. Out here in the real world, if someone behaved like God supposedly does, that person would be considered severely mentally deranged. We put people who behave like God in jail or mental institutions. In fact, many people are locked up every year for imitating the "Wrath of God".
If Jesus could see what Christianity has evolved into, he'd be spinning in his grave!
Then there's this Jesus guy who's supposed to be "God's Son", born of a virgin, because sex is something evil, and he's here to cut a deal to get you around his dad's wrath. God has an anger problem you see, and so he has to sacrifice his own kid to appease himself so that he doesn't have to torture people, that he created, forever in Hell. So, Jesus has to die on the Cross for your sins, but then he's resurrected, so he's not really dead anymore. And now he's "paid the price" so those who "believe" in him will not fry in Hell like the rest of us.
Even though God created the universe and created billions of us, and he's all powerful and all knowing, he seems to have an identity problem and is so insecure that he needs us to worship him. Kind of like a kid shaking his fist over an ant colony demanding to be worshiped and obeyed, but on a much larger scale. God loves us but needs to punish us, unless we worship him. It's like God is some southern hick child abuser or something. Maybe we should call family services on God for child abuse? Anyhow, Christians believe God has a God sized ego problem and needs us to worship him, or he throws fits like destroying the world and such. God doesn't seem to have much control over his behavior and often is controlled by his own strong emotions.
God doesn't seem to really care much about what you do, but in what you believe in. It's "faith" not "works" that impress God. So, a mass murderer who gets "saved" during his lethal injection will go to Heaven, but the Dalai Lama is going to burn in Hell. So, you can be bad all your life and change at the last minute and get into Heaven. Christians obviously think God is pretty stupid and will fall for something like that. Actually, they don't "think" that because you're not supposed to think. You've got to "have faith" to believe something that stupid. Faith is the belief in something that has no basis in logic or reason.
The bottom line is, Christianity is about the fear of going to Hell. They say it's about "love" too, but hey, people who love you don't torture you in Hell forever, so I'm not buying the "he loves you" crap. And even though God created the universe, he's just not very good with money, and he needs you to give him your cash. God was a lot more out there in ancient times than he is today. God likes to work behind the screens, being the invisible guy in the sky, and letting the churches do his work. He doesn't talk directly, so he needs babbling nut cases to speak for him, (in tongues), with another nut case interpreting it. God is rather impotent these days and his authority seems to be limited to getting even with you after you're dead. So God needs his army of Christian Soldiers to do his work for him.