Unlike most religions that hold you accountable for your behavior, Christian salvation is based on what you believe. It's your faith, not your works, that gets you into Heaven. Christians are "forgiven" their sins; therefore Christians can go out and sin and get away with it.
However, Christians aren't supposed to sin. Sin is the Devil working through you and is considered a bad indicator as to the state of your "faith". So sin is discouraged, but there is no direct relationship between your behavior and judgment because you're not judged on what you did (wrong) but on what you believe in. This allows Christian to have two standards of behavior: what they are supposed to do, and what they are allowed to get away with. Christianity caters to lazy and irresponsible believers who can continue unethical practices that most other religions wouldn't put up with. Jews also believe in judgment, but judgment is tied to what you do, not what you say you believe in. Jews believe that what you do is a true reflection of what you really believe. Eastern religions are similar except that instead of the Heaven/Hell/Judgement paradigm it's about moving up and down the reincarnation ladder.
In general Christianity is a cult and a menace to society.
All these beliefs are equally stupid, but a religion that ties personal behavior to rewards or punishment beyond death at least serves the purpose of intimidating stupid people into being good. On that account Christianity fails to make that connection and it therefore condones implicitly irresponsible behavior among its followers.
Christianity is also an ecologically irresponsible religion. Christians believe that Christ is coming back and is going to destroy the world, and therefore it's ok to trash the planet because Jesus is going to destroy it anyhow. This destruction is going to occur in our lifetime; however, we did make it through Y2K and Jesus isn't here yet, and if I were a Christian, I'd be getting pretty nervous that Armageddon is coming any time soon. Nonetheless, Christians don't accept that this planet is a finite ball in space, and it's our home (for now) and that we have to keep it clean and livable.
The biggest ecological threat we have is overpopulation. Christianity is the enemy, in general, of responsible family planning, which includes access to abortions and birth control. The church opposes the use of new technologies that empower women to have control and choice as to when they will reproduce. Christianity considers sex a sin and pregnancy to be a deterrent to sexual behavior, and to remove the penalty of pregnancy would result in increased sexual activity. However, the church's opposition to birth control, mostly by Catholics, has resulted in overpopulation and has increased famine, disease, and death. Christianity has not been the friend of preserving the limited resources of the planet.