The Church of Reality is still a small Church. This is the current organization of the Church. It is subject to change in the future. Many positions are yet to be filled.
- The Council of Realists - The High Council of Realists is the Board of directors of the Church of Reality.
- Marc Perkel - Marc Perkel is the First One of the Church of Reality. He is the person who came up with the idea and is the person who is presently responsible for the creation of Church doctrine. He is the visionary behind the creation of this organization. Marc Perkel is a self taught individual who has become an expert in philosophy, law, computer hardware and software, systems administration, and religious beliefs. Marc is a writer and has an extensive web site at He runs a small web hosting company specializing in free speech issues. He is also a former systems administrator (root) for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Robin Gross - Robin Gross is a San Francisco based attorney specializing in intellectual property issues. Robin is the founder of IP Justice - a nonprofit organization dealing with international copyright and patent issues. She is on the board of directors for the Union for the Public Domain. She teaches international copyright law at Santa Clara University School of Law. She is on the Advisory Board for Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - Peru. And Robin is licensed as clergy by the State of California.
Robin travels the world giving speeches, organizing, and advising policy makers from around the world on the impact of intellectual property rules on traditional rights and innovation. Robin has made it her mission in life to protect the Tree of Knowledge from being choked off by over-broad copyright laws. She is also a former staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Deborah Pierce - Deborah Pierce is founder and Executive Director of PrivacyActivism. Her work focuses on consumer education campaigns, advocacy, and analysis of privacy issues, with particular emphasis on data flow, data matching, privacy risks associated with data collection, and biometrics.
Deborah is currently a member of the University of Washington's Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology Advisory Committee. She has been on several committees to help find solutions to privacy and security threats, including the Washington State Bar Association's Access to Justice (a committee formed to develop more detailed guidelines addressing the issue of the technological impact on privacy within the justice system) and the Federal Trade Commission's advisory panel on online access and security.
In April 2005, Deborah chaired the 15th Annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy (CFP) conference. CFP is a conference that has played a major role in the public debate on the future of privacy and freedom in the online world and brings together attendees and an audience from government, business, education, and non-profits, as well as from the community of computer professionals, hackers, crackers and engineers who work the code of cyberspace. The themes have been broad and forward-looking. CFP explores what will be. It is the place where the future is mapped.
In her previous role as a staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, she worked on issues related to electronic privacy, database information collection and personal identity. Deborah was the inspiration for the Sacred Principle of Privacy.
- Administration - The Administration is the business end of the Church of Reality. The administration is run by the executive director who is responsible for the executive staff and conducting the business of the church.
- Marc Perkel - Currently Marc Perkel - the First One - is also the Executive Director. Some day when we are bigger the Executive Director will be someone else.
- Technical Staff
- Marc Perkel - Webmaster
- Michele Kaeder - Technical Assistant
- Owlswan - Technical Assistant
- Paul Gaskin - Logo Design, Artist
- David Lewis - Voice Artist
- Joe from Digital Images Design - Web Monk
- Editorial Staff
- Marc Perkel - Visionary
- Michele Kaeder - Editor
- Carole Fanning - Editor
- The Monks of the Order of Root - Are the highly committed members who are maintainers of projects and have the power and authority to fulfil their missions. The Monks of the Church of Reality get their direction from the Executive Director.
- The Beacons - The Beacons are the clergy of the Church of Reality.
- The Membership - People who have taken the Oath of Reality, by accepting the Sacred Choices and identifying themselves as Realists. Through the Sacred Choices they have committed themselves to the Sacred Missions and The Sacred Principles.