The study of what makes us make wrong choices. The things in our nature that lead us away from reality as it really is. Our brain is a flawed tool. We humans are herd animals and we tend to be persuaded by those around us and we often choose to believe in something because we want to be socially accepted rather than because it is real. The science of delusion is the understanding of the cult mind. It is to understand how people can be deluded by cults and to be able to form the mental disciplines to protect ourselves from the cult mind.
Our ability as the human race to share knowledge is our greatest strength and perhaps our greatest flaw. From the moment we are born we want to learn. We want to understand ourselves and the would that we exist in. We rely on others to teach us. We have a biological need to mentally connect into the herd mind and to become a useful part of society. We desire to be respected and to have the illusion that we are part of some greater purpose doing some greater good. And there are those who would exploit that and lead us down the Path of Illusion. We live in a good society but we are not perfect. There are flaws that are both deliberately exploited or innocently exploited that lead us away from reality. One of the missions of the Church of Reality is to understand this in an effort to be able to determine objectively is why we are on the Path of Reality - or the Path of Illusion.
Cults are everywhere. They are not just limited to extreme cultism - but to religion in general. It incudes political parties, clubs, sports fans, all groups that form a group identity for which an individual might be deluded into group thinking that ignores reality. To ensure that the Church of Reality never degenerates into a cult - we need to take the principle of self scrutiny seriously and study ourselves to develop the science to be able to determine what is real in spite of our flaws. The Science of Delusion is the term we use to study ourselves to determine if we are on the right track and to protect ourselves by understanding how we are exploited.