Is there a God? How do we determine if God exists or not? First - let me define God so that we are all talking about the same being. The God I'm talking about is:
- The omnipotent being who is all powerful and created the universe.
- God is invisible - but he is everywhere - and he knows everything - even our thoughts.
- God hasn't showed up in physical form - out in public for at least 2000 years - longer if you are Jewish - 150 years if you are Mormon.
- God could show up any where at any time in any form if he wanted to, but he doesn't.
- God is infinitely wise.
- God knows the future and everything is going according to God's plan.
So - are we talking about the same God? Are we on the same page on this? If so - what conclusions can we draw?
Well - we know that God can come out - but he doesn't That means he chooses not to. He could write a new updated Bible - maybe even publish it on the web - but he doesn't - and he chooses not to.
God could come out in public - but he doesn't. Therefore he chooses not to.
People claim to have a personal relationship with God, and that God reveals himself individually to people who open up to him. But I have observed that those who seem to truly believe they have a personal relationship with God are getting very different messages. Some are getting a peace and love message while others are being called to arms to fight a holy war against other people who believe God is on their side supporting their cause. I therefore have to believe that some of these people if not all of them just think God is talking to them when he really isn't.
God apparently doesn't reveal himself to realists like me. God could reveal himself to me - but he chooses not to. And even if he did reveal himself to me personally - that doesn't qualify him as real to the Church of Reality. I am after all just a guy with an idea. I do not control reality. God doesn't become real based on the belief of Marc Perkel. In order to qualify as real to the church of Reality - God have to come out in an objective form that everyone can observe in the real world.
There is a possibility that God exists and that he is deliberately concealing himself for us faithless Realists and that it is his will that people like me never find him. If that is the case - then it is the will of God that realists like myself don't believe in him and that God is in control and that we Realists are doing exactly what we are supposed to do under God's plan.
The standard for reality in the Church of Reality is that for us to declare something is (probably) real - it has to be something that is objectively observable in the real world by any observer. Personal revelation does not meet this test. So - even if I were to personally believe in God - that isn't good enough for the Church of Reality. We are committed to believing in reality the way it really is.
The official position of the Church of Reality is that God does not exist until such time as God chooses to reveal himself to all Realists and come out into objective reality in the real world.
It is therefore the official position of the Church of Reality that God does not exist until such time as God chooses to reveal himself to all Realists and comes out into objective reality in the real world. Should God come out into the real world then we as Realists will instantly become theists and will do whatever God commands us to do. Until that happen then either God does not exist or it is God's will that Realists don't believe in him. Either way - this is the correct choice. Except for the burning in Hell forever part - but I suppose that too is God's will because if he exists he must be in control and this is his plan.
It's not up to the Church of Reality to prove God doesn't exist. It is up to theists to prove he does.
I will state right now that if I ever become a theist without an objective real world test proving the existence of God - then I have lost my mind and I am no longer qualified to hold a leadership position in the Church of Reality. I do not have the authority to declare God exists unless God can be objectively perceived by all members of the Church of Reality.