Edicts of Doctrine
Declarations of Interpretation of Church Law
Edict Date: 08-29-2009
In the course of human evolution humanity has evolved speech and the ability to communicate complex thoughts and ideas. Over time this speech evolved to include writing allowing knowledge to be stored externally from the human mind. Through writing the Tree of Knowledge expanded greatly and people learned who to read and write so that then could receive knowledge and give knowledge back to the Tree.
Humanity continued to evolve past just writing. In the late 19th century and 20th century humanity developed the ability to record audio and video, and those recordings can and are being reproduced and distributed. Now in the last few decades humanity has developed the Internet which is our new more powerful repository of the Tree of Knowledge, the sum total of human understanding is now stored on the net.
One's computer is an extension of or physical brain and our thoughts are stored in both places.
We use computers, personal computers, as a tool to interface with our stored knowledge and to allow us to communicate with each other. It is also a tool where we store our important writing, papers, ideas, inventions, thoughts, and messages from those who we have a relationship with. Our computer(s) are an extension of our mind and that are as much a part of us as our body is.
Our thoughts are who we are and because of evolution we have evolved to the point where our thoughts are not limited to our physical mind. In the Church of Reality our data stored on our computers is considered to be part of what is stored in our minds. Our computer(s) are part of our brains. The thoughts in our minds and our data and software on our computers are considered part of the mind of the individual.
Realists have as one of our Sacred Principles the Principle of Privacy. This principle applies to the greatest extent to our thoughts and the workings of our minds. In our world view our minds are who we are and our computer(s) are part of our minds. In fact to a large extent the part of our mind that is stored on our computer(s) is what lives on after our biological mind is gone. Our would view is the mind is the soul of the individual and that our computer(s) are part of that soul. It is more intimately part of us that any part of our physical body and is our most private place.
As individuals writing our Life Story we need the privacy of our thoughts to make good decisions, or bad decisions, as to how we will live our life. We are a strongly individualistic religion promoting cultural diversity and experimentation of thoughts and ideas. Our world view is strongly in favor of freedom of ideas and a culture that supports unusual people who are resourceful and innovative.
Often in our history we see examples where the greatest among us were the ones that had a vision of the future which was contrary to culture and in some cases the law. People like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela were individuals who dreamed a bigger dream where all people had equal rights. There are people in society today who are on the fringe of the cultures they live in who will one day allow the oppressed to rise up and take their rightful places in society. But for them to succeed they will need the protections of law that make the difference between them succeeding in furthering the evolution of humanity or if they will be killed. If the Indian government had seized Gandhi's computer, India might still be part of the British Empire.
Since our core missions in the Church of Reality are based on the Positive Evolution of humanity and that we all aspire to be like Gandhi, King, and Mandela, our minds, our thoughts, must be protected. And since our computers are part of our minds, for a nation state to search our computers is morally equivalent to them searching our brains. Our minds are the most intimate part of our bodies and we consider a forced search of our minds as more horrific than rape.
Edict Date: 05-22-2008
The Church of Reality hereby asserts the religious right to use experimental lifesaving drugs, even if these drugs are not deemed to be safe, in order to treat serious illness that is disabling, life threatening, or terminal illness. Although we respect the various government agencies who are charged with keeping drugs safe for public use, we recognize that when an individual is terminal, that they have a right to be allowed to take greater risks than individuals who are otherwise healthy because they have nothing to lose. The reasoning behind this edict is as follows:
The Church of Reality is a religion based on the pursuit of the understanding of reality as it really is by humans. Humans understand reality collectively through the Tree of Knowledge which represents the sum total of all human understanding. Even though we understand reality collectively, the collective is made up of individuals who contribute their knowledge and experience as functional happy members of a harmonious society in which the individual can explore reality living in a sane and healthy society.
As Realists we are free thinkers and as part of our religious practice, we think things through and we think for ourselves. We are Explorers not Followers and because the future is the Sacred Direction, we assume a position of leadership in society. It is our religious mandate to guide society towards a better understanding of reality as it really is. Although we are generally a law-abiding group, when the laws of the nation states for which we are members impose laws on us that are not supported by logic or reason and impose an undue burden on our way of life, then we have a religious duty to both work to change the law and in some cases to disobey the law.
Some countries allow certain groups to have an exception to the laws where the law interferes with their religious freedoms. The United States at this point in time is one of them that allows for such an exception based on religious doctrine. Our doctrine is an evolving doctrine. As the times we live in change and our technology evolves, our doctrine evolves with it. We as Realists are in a unique position to change our doctrine to suit our religious needs. In this case we issue this edict to assert our religious position so that institutions of justice can more easily ascertain our religious position and accommodate our religious rights.
The Church of Reality doctrine includes the concept of Self Ownership. We are the owners of our own lives. We are writing our own Life Story. The very core of who we are includes a greater level of self-determination than most other religions assert. We make our own choices and it is important to us even if some people make bad choices. Although we understand that other people need to be protected from being harmed by the bad choices of some individuals, when it comes to making choices where the consequences of the choices are primarily visited upon the individual making the choice, then we assert that a person has the right to make those choices where there exists some rational basis to make the choice. |
Edict Date: 04-19-2007
In response to today's ruling by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Gonzales v. Carhart the Church of Reality today reasserts several of our religious principles as to why we take strong exception to the decision of the court. These principles include:
- A woman has a fundamental right to choose to terminate her pregnancy.
- Everyone has a fundamental right to health and that the rights of the living take precedent over those of the unborn.
- That women are fully equal to men in every way and that they are not subject to inferior social status as imposed by majority religions.
- That medical decisions are a private affair and that they are between a patient and the doctor and are not to be used by the majority religions as a way of imposing its standards on people of other religions.
- That our Principle of Compassion requires any of us who are doctors to disobey the law when the law puts the health of the patient at risk.
- Laws created my the majority religions to enforce the values of their religion on members of other religions, impose a substantial government burden on our religion and violates our First Amendment rights under the Free Exercise of religion clause.
The Church of Reality is based upon the religious commitment to pursue the understanding of reality as it really is. In order to do that we have adopted a set of Sacred Principles which form the basis of our moral and ethical standards. In the darkness of space there is no right and wrong. Whatever happens is what happens. It is we as humans who invented right and wrong as a way of promoting what we consider to be in the interest of the greater good. Morality is based upon that which the community considers to be the overriding values of society from their religious perspective. Some follow the teaching of ancient texts with stories of deities that issued commandments and demanded blood sacrifices. Our religion puts value on the continued evolution of the human race and the quest for the understanding of our existence and our continued evolutionary progress.
Our values are based on the Principle of Inclusiveness and the Principle of Justice which make women and men 100% equal partners in the human experience. Women are not the property of men and men are not dominate over women. We don't recognize superior social position based on sex. We also value Self Ownership, that everyone owns their own life, makes their own choices, and takes Responsibility for their own choices. Even if the choice is wrong, it is your choice to make. We Respect each other's rights and we respect each other's Privacy. We see ourselves as all part of humanity and we are Compassionate towards individuals. We take care of each other. We keep each other healthy and relieve suffering.
We Realists live in a society that is dominated by theistic religions that worship a variety of invisible deities according to ancient texts that the believers follow without question. These texts give the male domination over the female. She is his property. She exists to serve then make and bear him sons. The deities are often cruel and demand blood scarifices and their standards are based on the idea that the deity sometimes causes suffering and that there is injustice in this life that the deity will make it up in a next life.
Because the majority religions controls the legislature, they are in a position to impose there values as if they were absolute truths. Sometimes they to this innocently, sometimes it is to appeal to the majority of voters who share these artificial values. In enacting these religious values into law, they appease the masses and they get reelected. Thus democracy creates laws that tend to impose the majority religions on the minority.
An example of this includes slavery. That black people are 60% as valuable as white people. It took America 150 years to figure out that women were people. Women weren't allowed to vote and were considered not much more than property. That's because the laws reflected the role of women as depicted in their religion. America however has moved away from that and law now tries to give women equal standing as men as full participants of society. The dominate religion however has not given up the fight. They are still trying to impose biblical law on everyone, including us, and this Supreme Court decision is actually an expression of the religious values of the majority religions. They are however views that we Realists do not share.
The values of the majority religions treat women as property. The woman exists to give the man sons so that he can continue his name. The woman is expected to take the name of the male as part of the required bonding ritual and prior to having sex. The female sexual desire is vilified and she is expected to control herself so as not to arouse the innocent males who are seduced into betraying the deity by eating the fruits of forbidden knowledge. From the very creation of humanity, the roles were established. The man is created first, but he is incomplete. So the deity creates a female to serve him. The female is weak and she is tempted by the devil and is responsible for corrupting the male. Therefore it is established that the female is responsible for the bad behavior of the male.
This ancient story is still part of our society today and these values were ruled into law by this Supreme Court decision. This decision wasn't a decision based on law but rather on religion. The dominate religion sees the woman as the sexual temptress who must be controlled for the good order of society. They can't have unmarried women going around having sex with anyone they please. That is sin and it's the woman's fault when it happens. The woman must be punished for allowing the demons to manifest through her.
Women are unique in that they get pregnant. Some believe that the deity punishes the woman for the immoral sexual act by making her pregnant with a bastard child so society will despise her as the harlot she truly is. This is the punishment that is rightly deserved for the sin of fornication. So modern technology like birth control go against the will of the deity and they allow women to have illicit sex and cheat their way out of the punishment that justice demands. And if birth control isn't bad enough, abortion is totally cheating the system. The dominate religions are fighting to make it stop.
Pregnancy is not God's way of punishing women for being sluts.
The dominate religion has engaged in what we would call a fetus fetish. The fetus becomes a person with as much or more rights than the mother. This reflects the attitude of ancient male dominated cultures that would slaughter the woman during childbirth if they thought it was good for the male baby to be born. But this is only an excuse to stop abortion because the threat of pregnancy and the social shame from that can be used as a tool of the dominant religion to control the sexuality of the females within the culture.
We in the Church of Reality also value life but our values are different. We take responsibility for ourselves and if a man and a woman have sex, it is not her fault. We have no restrictions on sex outside of marriage or and other committed relationship. Fornication is not a concept within our religion. We do not take the position that society has to control women through oppressive imagery and labels of immoralit, to repress a woman's natural and instinctive desires. Women in our church are full participants and have equal standing in society. We are also a culture that makes our own decisions and takes responsibility for our own choices. And because Realists have the same religious rights as the dominant religion, we do not have to live under their religious law.
In this decision the Court failed to recognize our position that doctors are more qualified to make medical decisions that the legislature and that we have the right to choose our own path when it comes to health related matters. We also think it's reasonable to assume that a doctor is better qualified than a politician to make those choices. We therefore have a religious right to preserve our life and our health so that we can contribute to the Tree of Knowledge and that our Life Story will be remembered when we are gone.
This procedures that is referred to as "Partial Birth Abortion" is a medically necessary procedure that is performed on both pro-choice and pro-life women in cases where there are pregnancy complications and the baby will die and needs to be removed from the mother to preserve her life or her health. Sometimes in cases where the problem with the fetus is that the head has swollen to an abnormally large size, you are putting the mother's health at risk not using this procedure. Not performing this kind of abortion in these cases could leave her in a state where she can never get pregnant again.
In this decision, the Supreme Court chose to ignore the medical facts or chose to devalue the health of the mother so that politicians can use people as political props to get votes. It is a question of values. They value the power of the legislature over the health of women. We in the Church of Reality put the health of women ahead of politics. Are we to be expected to require Realists doctors to obey a law that compels them to do something that is not in the best interest of the patient. That would force us to go against our core religious values and we therefore refuse to do so.
This decision, from our perspective, concluded that the legislature has the right to assign value to human life and that they have concluded through voting that the life of a fetus is more important than the health of the mother. That the legislature has the power to impose the moral values of the dominant religion over those of the minority religion. It is our position that the First Amendment, as clarified by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, is a barrier to the state imposing their values on our religion and that we are immune from these laws on a constitutional basis. Our position is that it is not the job of the legislature to legislate sexual morality and create laws to enforce a religious agenda. And that is what happened in this decision.
Our values differ with those of the legislature and the court in several ways. The court government puts the value of the fetus ahead of the health of the mother. We put the health of the mother ahead of the fetus. The government does not recognize a fundamental right for a person to relieve themselves from suffering, to own themselves, and to have the freedom to make their own medical decisions. We do. We believe in personal privacy and self ownership and that personal medical decisions are outside of the jurisdiction of the legislature to enforce public morality. Our moral values include the practice of giving and receiving compassion and respect. We therefore find it to be a substantial burden to require Realist doctors and other Realist caregivers to obey the law when their medical judgment of what is best for the health of the patient conflicts with the law. We can not accept that our doctors be required to forgo the health of a patient of any religion to obey the legislature's moral standards.
We in the Church of Reality recognize that this planet is a finite size and that if we overpopulate this world, we will have massive famine, war, and disease. We cannot continue to overpopulate this world and avoid the consequences of what will happen. Unlike the dominant religion that sees the future in terms of Armageddon, we see the future in terms of continual progress. But progress doesn't just happen on its own. We believe that only through good judgment and a forming a covenant with reality can we fulfill the promise of Positive Evolution.
In order to limit the population, we need to find ways to control our reproduction. One step in reproductive control is to encourage women to have children when they are ready, not only to reproduce but to properly care for the child. We therefore take the position that women who choose to have children are probably in a better position to have them than women who wish to terminate their pregnancy.
Additionally, to have children is a life changing decision. We are driven by our instincts, just like the animals, in our evolutionary history. We are the descendants of those who have had sex. It's a desire that our brains and bodies are programmed to perform. Although we have some control over who we have sex with, that control is limited. If humans had ever achieved self-control, then we would already be extinct. Our compulsion to mate is actually designed by evolution to override good judgment. We therefore sometimes get pregnant because of instinct rather than making a rational choice.
We however are different than the animals in that we have developed the ability to share knowledge and create common technologies that give us dominion over the life on this planet. Because of the Tree of Knowledge we can now fly, visit the moon, and talk to people on the other side of the planet. We can comprehend our own existence, our destiny and choose what we want to evolve into. We also take responsibility for our futures as we have chosen to be the custodians of tomorrow. But to fulfill that role, we have to take responsibility for our choices and we do that by defending the right of a woman to not be forced to reproduce.
Like the dominant religion, we too value life. But we value it from a realistic perspective and not as a tool to manipulate the behavior of women. We view it as taking responsibility for the future by evolving into a species that reproduces by choice and not just as a side effect of evolutionary sexual instincts. Our position is therefore that the choice to respect the reproductive decisions of women is more "pro-life" than those who use the issue as a political wedge to gain votes.
Therefore our position is that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment allow our members to have free access to abortion in spite of the law. That these laws don't apply to us. We have the right to receive abortions and to allow our doctors to treat all women in a way that is in the best interest of the patient, whether the treatment is or isn't legal. We are not going to obey the laws of the majority religions to the extent that it imposes their religious values upon us. If they expect us to respect their right to self-oppression, then they have to respect our right to freedom and self determination.
Edict Date: 03-16-2007
The Church of Reality doctrine already covers the use of illegal drugs by church members in general, but recent court decisions regarding the use of medical marijuana have now made necessary a stronger and more specific statement about our position on medical marijuana in particular. This edict is in response to the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Reich v. Gonzales in which the court failed to infer a fundamental right for a person to take measures to alleviate their pain and suffering. They denied the petitioner's bid that, as a matter of law, she has the right to use marijuana to preserve bodily integrity, avoid pain, and preserve her life.
The Constitution provides a right to exercise one's religion, yet not the right to preserve one's own life. We therefore are declaring that preserving one's own life is part of the exercise of our religion.
Governments and Law are part of an evolutionary process. As with our Doctrine, the constitutions of nations are designed to serve the people and to give people as comprehensive a set of rights as they know how to at the time. But also as with our Doctrine, sometimes they leave important rights out and sometimes they just get it wrong. For example, here in the United States it took our nation almost 90 years to realize that black people are humans and to end slavery. It took almost 150 years to recognize that women are humans and have the right to vote. Governments are often slow to respond and the job of the courts is to interpret the law, and not to write the law, even when they know the law is wrong. Fortunately for those of us in the Church of Reality, we are able to more quickly respond to things that just don't make any sense. Our evolution is faster than that of the governments. As it should be.
The courts however have upheld the right to religious freedom under the First Amendment and recognized the strict scrutiny test when it comes to the imposition of federal law on religious freedom. So even though you don't have a Constitutional right to break federal law to fight for your life, you do have a right to break federal law when it comes to your religious rights. Because religious law trumps federal law, we in the Church of Reality are not dependent upon the courts and the legislature to figure out that we have a fundamental religious right to break federal law in order to preserve our lives and avoid pain and suffering. We are legally entitled to grant that right ourselves and therefore we hereby do so. This edict is intended to provide a clear and unambiguous statement as to where this church stands on this issue.
Members of the Church of Reality have an absolute right to use Marijuana for any medical purpose that they see fit regardless of whether or not it is lawful to do so.
The Church of Reality recognizes the vast amount of scientific and medical data in support of the medical use of marijuana and the fact that at this time 10 states have passed laws allowing the use of medical marijuana in spite of it being illegal under federal law. We are not subject to the greed and politics behind the opposition to this harmless drug which is the only reason it remains illegal. Nor do we ignore the fact that thousands of licensed physicians are prescribing marijuana to patients, in some cases advising them that it is worth obtaining marijuana illegally because it has unique properties that no other known substance has.
It was never the intent of drug laws to prevent people from receiving the medications they need.
The Church of Reality in general is a law-abiding religion that recognizes that law and order are necessary for a well functioning and stable society. Likewise, we recognize the real dangers of drug abuse and we have a moral position to be functional members of society and that drug abuse can cause injury to this individual, their family, their community, and the public in general. We recognize that there is a legitimate government purpose to prevent the abuse of narcotics. We support obeying the law even if the law is imperfect, as nothing is perfect, as long as it is reasonable to do so. However, when laws cross the line of reason to the point where the restrictions of law pose a danger to the health and safety of our members then we have both a right and a duty to break the law. Medical marijuana restrictions cross the line where it is unreasonable for us to endure its illogical encumbrances on our religious freedoms.
We cannot pursue the understanding of reality if we have to worry about being arrested over sick people needing medicine.
The Church of Reality is a religion based on the pursuit of the understanding of reality as it really is. In order to pursue the understanding of reality, we support the Positive Evolution of the human race so that the expansion of the Tree of knowledge, which represents the sum total of human understanding, can progress. In order to have a stable community, our members have to be secure in their persons and their individual security and liberty must be protected. This includes the person's right to treat their illnesses and alleviate their pain and suffering so that they can recover and be a productive member of society. It is also necessary that other people who are currently healthy are secure in the knowledge that they have access to life-saving drugs without fear of arrest and imprisonment. A Realist is not required to give their life to the government to support a false description of reality that flies in the face of science. Marijuana laws are political laws and have no basis in the real world.
The Church of Reality is also a community of strongly individualistic people who come together as Explorers to explore reality. Our worldview is that this is the only life we have and that we are in control of our Personal Evolution and the writing our own Life Story. Thus we value our religious right to make our own choices and make our own mistakes. In short, we have the right to be wrong. Sometimes people make bad choices, but they are our bad choices to make. Our religious cultural values include the right to be in control of our own lives and to take a higher level of Personal Responsibility for our own choices. This is particularly important when it comes to our health, our bodies, and treating our illnesses. We understand that laws that apply to people in general do not necessarily apply to individuals in particular and that reasonable people can make reasonable exceptions in reasonable circumstances. Thus we respect the right of people to make their own medical decisions because it is after all, their life. The concept of Self Ownership is one of our fundamental values.
The Church of Reality is a unique religious culture in that evolution is central to our core worldview. We pursue reality as a community and the pursuit of reality is an evolutionary process that by definition involves change. We define ourselves as the caretakers of the future of the human race. It is our job to think ahead and be the experimental branch where the important concepts for future generations are developed. It is our task to make people aware that humanity is on the verge of taking control of its own evolution and that we can and should choose to determine what it is that we are going to evolve into. Because this is central to our religious mission, the members of our religion require a greater freedom from the rule of law so that we can explore new directions and correct the mistakes of our past. We in the Church of Reality value Intellectual Tithing where we contribute new ideas to the Tree of Knowledge. New ideas require an environment where individuals are free.
The law allows for exceptions so that religions can evolve, and the evolution of religion allows the law to evolve. The law is dependent on law breakers for its own evolution.
It is our view that the purpose of religious freedom is to create the kind of environment in which humanity can evolve forward. Rigid and inflexible laws lead to rigid and inflexible cultures in which human evolution becomes stagnant and the Tree of Knowledge rots. Without freedom, governments and law can't evolve and the law itself requires law breakers in order to improve itself. In 1670 William Penn was arrested and put on trial for illegally preaching a Quaker sermon. Even though the judge demanded a guilty verdict the jury refused, leading to the birth of the concept of jury nullification (of law) in which a jury can decide to acquit a person who is clearly guilty of breaking the law. The law itself now recognizes the importance of protecting the public from its own flaws by allowing people to legally break the law to serve a higher purpose. Had it not been for the law breakers, preaching a Quaker sermon might still lead to imprisonment. Were that the case, religions like the Church of Reality would not be allowed to exist.
Thus the use of drugs for medical reasons, whether they be legal or not, is a logical extension of our religious lifestyle. Through the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the government has recognized that religions have the power to assert exceptions for religious practices over federal law if the law puts a substantial burden on the religious act. As the First One of the Church of Reality, I have the authority to issue edicts in the name of this religion and I hereby do so.
It is obvious that individuals possess a fundamental right to alleviate their pain and suffering, and just because the government has yet to figure that out, it doesn't mean that we are subject to the same restrictions. I therefore declare specifically that the Church of Reality recognizes as a religious right that church members have access to marijuana specifically and any other drug in general that they determine has medical value to them. |
Edict Date: 09-23-2006
The Church of Reality today challenges other religions to issue strong statements that they oppose torture. We in the Church of Reality consider torture to be universally wrong. Torture is the tool of the barbarian. It is what primitive barbaric societies and primitive barbaric religions support. Torture is an evil practice. Torture is inhumane. Torture is immoral.
The first of the Sacred Principles of the Church of Reality is the Principle of Positive Evolution. This principle which commits us to strive to become a better society forms the basis for our moral direction. It is our moral compass for determining right from wrong. It separates good from evil from the human perspective. It reflects our commitment to making tomorrow better than today and leaving a better world for each new generation.
Torture is a crime against humanity. Anyone who advocates the use of torture is a criminal. Criminals must be driven from power.
The Principle of Compassion and the Principle of Respect teach us to personalize our acts upon others in the context of what we would want them to do to us. It is equivalent to the "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" that is part of most all religions. Our Principle of Wisdom compels us to look at the big picture and our Principle of Personal Responsibility compels us to take responsibility for our actions, which includes the actions of the groups and nation states which we are a part of. Our Principle of Inclusiveness lets us view everyone as one of us and our Principle of Justice prevents us from treating others in a barbaric manner.
Our Principle of Activism does not allow us to stand by and do nothing while the most powerful nation on the planet follows the path of Nazi Germany where millions were herded into concentration camps and exterminated. After World War II the human race vowed to never forget and to never allow that to happen again. We in the Church of Reality recognize that vow and we hereby incorporate that into the soul of our church. We will not allow the United States to legalize a network of secret torture camps in foreign countries that allow torture to become acceptable in any manner and we hereby commit ourselves to the task of opposing it using any means necessary to prevent another holocaust.
We are a small church with a small voice so we hereby challenge the leadership of other religions and other faiths to join in the universal condemnation of torture and to rise up against it in a manner that cannot be ignored. Any politician advocating torture must be driven from office and prosecuted for crimes against the human race. We need help. So we issue this challenge.
We in the Church of Reality are Atheists, yet we have figured out that torture is wrong and we consider the morality of that position to be obvious. Most of the rest of you believe in some sort of God who inspires you, who you claim to have a personal relationship with, and who speaks to your heart. Most of you claim that your God is the basis of your moral fabric and that he defines right and wrong and knows good and evil.
If Atheists can figure out that torture is wrong then why can't Theists figure it out? Do Atheists have a superior moral compass that Believers?
Surely Christians can understand
that this has to be wrong.
If God exists and Theists are right, then Theists should have a stronger and more accurate sense of morality than Atheists do. Therefore what is morally obvious to us should also be morally obvious to you and your deity. If your God isn't opposed to torture then your God is neither wise nor powerful. If your God gets it and you really do have a personal relationship with your God, then perhaps your God is saying to you the same thing we are saying. In fact, for all we know, your God might be using us Realists to send a spiritual message to you through us. After all, God works in mysterious ways. What would be more mysterious than speaking through Atheists?
One of the reasons we Realists don't believe in God is that we seem to have a superior sense of morality than Theists do. This is an example of our superior discernment. Why do Atheists get it on the torture issue and Theists don't? Perhaps it's because your deity is fiction. However, we want to give you all the chance to prove us wrong. So why don't you all pray about this and let us know what you come up with.
The Church of Reality asks all other faiths to join it and issue edicts or decrees against the use of torture.
We need you to help us say no to torture. We ask you to lend your voice and perhaps the voice of God to fighting against the legalization of torture. Are you willing to decree that torture should not become legal? (Yes - this is a thinly veiled attempt to goad you into opposing torture.) |
Edict Date: 08-13-2006
For far too long humanity has suffered as a result of war. We are locked in a cycle where cultures and religions and political groups have fought each other over the same issues for thousands of years with no change in the underlying causes that lead us into war. Are we going to continue to go to war for the next several thousand years? Will we be at war for eternity? At what point do we give it up? Is it our nature to need to be at war or is it something that we can evolve beyond? And if we are to eventually evolve beyond war, what will we have to do to achieve that?
The time has come to address this issue. Why sit back and wait thousands more years when we can start to solve the problem now? Just because no one has figured out how to stop war in the past doesn't mean that the problem can't be solved. If humanity is going to evolve forward then we need to stop wasting our resources on figuring out how to kill people and use them to figure out how to thrive. Humanity has the capability of choosing what our future will be and we in the Church of Reality choose that war will not be a part of the future of the human race.
To that end, we, this day, as the Church of Reality, declare that we are determined to find a solution to war and to come up with a plan to end war and to implement that plan. We, this day, choose to assume that the problem is solvable and we commit ourselves to the task of finding that solution. We are a religion that solves problems and to us the word "impossible"¯ is just another word for "challenge".
The exploration of reality itself is a commitment to problem solving and since we are already in the problem solving business, then let us take on the big tasks and let us solve the great problems of humanity. We as Realists can contribute to the Tree of Knowledge a way to end war and therefore we commit ourselves this day to solving the problem and removing war from the human equation.
Edict Date: 06-24-2006
Although the Church of Reality has few church officials, it is our position that the sexual orientation of the individual is not a factor in determining the qualifications as to who can serve in any official position of the Church of Reality. Our position is that sexual preferences is not a factor that is worth considering and thus there is no sexual orientation test. We do not consider being gay to be any kind of sin. It's just the way some people are. Our Sacred Principle of Inclusiveness includes people who are gay. Our official position is that the Church of Reality doesn't know the sexual orientation of our officials because it isn't any of our business to know that. (See: Sacred Principle of Privacy)
Edict Date: 04-10-2006
The United States Congress is attempting to not only make it a felony to be an illegal alien, but to also criminalize those who provide humanitarian aid to illegal immigrants. This law, if passed would be in direct violation of our Sacred Principle of Compassion and Principle of Justice. To be prohibited from providing aid to one's fellow human being is immoral. It violates the very core of every religion on this planet and is an affront to humanity itself. This edict applies to all people, not just to immigrants, but also to criminals and enemy combatants. It is fundamental to the nature of humanity to help other people and our human nature will not be denied.
Members of the Church of Reality are therefore directed to openly, willfully, and publicly violate this law and any other law that infringes on our need to provide food, shelter, medicine, and financial assistance to needy people for what the individual giver deems appropriate. The Church of Reality calls upon all other religions to issue edicts similar to ours. It is not those who help the needy who are criminals but those who pass laws that criminalize compassion.
The Church of Reality intends to invoke the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to defend any government action against a church member who is prosecuted for criminalized compassion.
Edict Date: 12-09-2005
The Church of Reality finds that the American led war in Iraq is an unjust war.
- The American and British government fabricated false evidence to start the war. The war is a fraud.
- The war lacks United Nations support.
- Iraq was invaded, conquered, and is now being occupied by invading nations who are attempting to establish a US controlled puppet government.
- The United States committed and continues to commit war atrocities against the civilian population of Iraq including the use of torture, rape, chemical weapons, and random murder.
- The US refuses to give prisoners access to the Red Cross.
- The US refuses to give prisoners due process of law.
- The US maintains a network of secret prisons where people are tortured.
- The war in Iraq serves no great purpose.
- The war is against the interests of world peace, positive evolution, and the war advances the cause of strengthening Muslim terrorism and religious hatred.
- The war is primarily a religious war between Christians and Muslims that have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years. There are also elements of theft of oil resources as the real interest behind this war.
The Church of Reality declares this war to be an unjust cause. Realists as always have a duty to make their own individual decision about the Iraq war but the Church of Reality has determined that this war is so obviously wrong that it is issuing an edict against it.
Nation-states that would draft Realists into military service against their will to fight in this war, be warned: we are not on your side. This war is so unjust that Realists should actively undermine the integrity of the fighting force you are commanded to serve in. I want to make it clear to the United States of America that you don't want Realists to be part of this conflict because Realist consider you the enemy of peace and that a Realist's first loyalty is to the Sacred Principles.
Edict Date: 12-09-2005
The Church of Reality has determined that the theory of "Intelligent Design" is false science. The theory that says that complexity can not just happen and requires an intelligent designer is really just Creationism repackaged as science for the purpose of trying to sneak religious doctrine into science classes. It is a plot cooked up by the Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture, a religious organization that is pretending to be a science institution. Their cult has come up with a plan they call The Wedge Strategy to fraudulently fabricate false scientific authority to justify it's inclusion in science to be taught along with scientific facts like Evolution which really is real science.
The children of Reality shall not be forced to endure the teachings of false science disguised as religion and it is appropriate for Realists to pull their children out of science classes where religious doctrine is presented as science. Intelligent Design is the religious doctrine of young earth creationists who are trying to use science to teach the Book of Genesis from the Bible.
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