Nuclear War - Past, Present, and Future |
In the 1940's the human race developed nuclear weapons and used them twice against cities killing hundreds of thousands of people. We now can create far stronger nuclear weapons and we have the power to wipe all human life from the face of the Earth. If we are going to survive, we have to decide not to do that. We have to ensure that nuclear destruction never happens. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do it.
I often hear people say that primitive cultures were more ecological, that the ancient people knew how to take care of the Earth. But that isn't really accurate. The reality is that they just didn't know how to destroy the Earth like we do - so they didn't have to deal with that decision. In fact - there is a lot of history of primitive cultures who managed to destroy their environment enough to make their region uninhabitable. Now we have far greater technology and we can do things that we couldn't do before. And thus we have greater responsibility.
Actually - we can't destroy the Earth yet, nor can we yet destroy life on Earth. We can just wipe it of what we consider higher life forms. The planet we are on, our speck of dust in the universe will still orbit the sun for about 4 billion more years until it grows into a red giant and then collapses into a white dwarf star. We pride ourselves as being really significant, but we are only significant to us.
If we evolve forward, then we evolve forward. If we wipe ourselves out then we are wiped out. The universe doesn't care what happens to us. The only ones who care are humans - and a huge number of humans don't care either. Ultimately it is up to us realists to care enough to not destroy ourselves. We are the ones who have to figure out a way to make sure that other religions, that don't share our Principle of Positive Evolution, don't get to use the bomb.
The bomb is just one of many challenges we face in the future. The nuclear age was the point where we had the technology for the first time in the history of the world to destroy our own species by a deliberate and willful act. We have the ability to collectively commit suicide for every person on the planet. We now have a choice that we never had before. We have to decide not to do it. The Church of Reality is therefore against nuclear destruction. We choose evolution and reject extinctionism.