The Right to Speak for Ones Self |
- Every person has the right to speak for one's self, on one's own behalf. An individual may choose to be represented by another individual or group, but they cannot be compelled to give up their individual voice in favor of the group voice or personal representative.
- Courts of law must allow the individual to represent themselves and to have procedures that allow the individual to speak on their own behalf, free from the threat of legal penalty or requirement that one must be represented by a lawyer. And individual representing themselves in a court of law shall be accommodated by the court and shall not be persecuted or discriminated against in any way for deciding not to have a lawyer.
- A person represented by a labor union shall have a way to bypass union processes and to be allowed to speak on their own behalf to management concerning any issue.
- A person has the right to address the state without being forced to have a state approved representative speak in their behalf.