The Church of Reality is a religion based on the practice of Realism. It is a religion that is based on believing in everything that is real. Our motto is, "If it's real, we believe in it." Since no one knows all of reality, the Church of Reality is about the pursuit of reality the way it really is. We commit to being intellectually honest with ourselves, and with others, so that we can cut through the mythology and understand the understanding of understanding.
Our world view is that religion is evolving in the Sacred Direction and that the Church of Reality is a blueprint for religious evolution. We want to inject reality into the world view of other religions so that we are all improved through Realism.
The Church of Reality is not just a study in science. It is the Religion of Reality. As Realists practicing Realism, we make the Sacred Choices and commit to the Sacred Principles which constitute the doctrine of our church. We think that what separates us from the animals is that we have a vast store of shared knowledge that we call the Tree of Knowledge (tree in the mathematical sense - we use a fractal as a symbol) which represents the sum total of human understanding. We contribute to the knowledge of the human race by giving freely and sharing our ideas with others. We call this Intellectual Tithing and we think that what we contribute that is worthy of remembering is what we leave behind when we die.
We think that knowledge is a shared experience, that our understanding of reality is community-based, and that we are all interdependent as we explore reality the way it really is. We therefore support the development of education, communication, and technology to assist us as, together, we explore reality as it really is. We think that the Tree of Knowledge represents who we are as a species and that we progress into the future by growing the Tree of Knowledge.
We want to understand reality the way it really is. That's what the Church of Reality is all about.
We, as Realists practicing Realism, choose to evolve forward - the sacred direction - into something better than we are today, as opposed to destroying ourselves or moving toward Armageddon. We stand in the way of those who envision a future where the world is destroyed. We commit ourselves to ensuring that the future is better than today, and it is our hope and responsibility to progress as a race into something better. To that end, we commit ourselves to be active and to serve the public. We have an order of monks, which we call the Order of Root (after the /root user in Linux), who are entrusted with power and authority to do technical support for humanity. To be /root is to commit your life to the service of mankind.

We, as a church, do not believe in supernatural deities like God. However, if such a deity should appear, we will conclude that it is real. If God does show up - I will host his web site for free. We challenge the beliefs of other religions on the basis of whether the religion is rooted in what is real or in mythology. We ask the sacred question, "Is this belief real?"
When you can no longer live the lie, when you know that what you are expected to believe is bull, it's time to come home to the Church of Reality.
The Tree of Knowledge
We believe in personal responsibility. It's not what you believe that matters - it's what you do with your life. We don't believe in judgment day and an afterlife, unless at some point it is proven to be real. We think that if you want to be remembered you have to accomplish something useful, and that your immortality is based on the knowledge you leave behind that is remembered. We think that our choices matter and that we can decide our destiny as a race, and that it is our responsibility to choose wisely and carefully in order to continue in the sacred direction - forward.
We believe in actively spreading the word about the Church of Reality. We think that the name itself is a message. We think that if everyone in the world heard the name - Church of Reality - and had only a vague idea that it was a church that believed in everything that is real, this would cause people to compare it to their own religions and other beliefs, and ask the sacred question, "What is Real?" We think that this would have a significant effect on society by raising the status of reality in the decision-making process of mankind. It is our position that other religions would either fail or seek to improve themselves if they were put to the reality test. We want members of other religions asking their superiors if what they are being taught is really real. We think that to ask the Sacred Question is to change the world for the better. We therefore encourage everyone to link to this site and start spreading the name around.
Linking to the web page helps change the world for the better. It causes people to ask the Sacred Question - "What is Real?"
The Church of Reality is a religion of peace. We think that war - although sometimes necessary - always represents some kind of failure or mistake and is always something to be ashamed of. We are committed to the process of preventing war from happening in the first place. To that end, we recognize that many wars are started over religious differences, where sides claim to be aligned with God and are going to war in his behalf. As a religion of peace, we challenge the beliefs that lead to deity-inspired wars, whether the supposedly-omnipotent deity really needs us to fight his wars for him or not. We, as a church, resist religious wars.
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The Church of Reality is not based on Christianity, Faith, Jesus, the Bible, Creation, Sin, Heaven, Hell, Satan, or God. No one knows all the answers to everything. We often make mistakes. Sometimes we conclude things that we later find are not true. But the goal is to make an effort to do your best to understand, to look at reality the way it really is, and to ask the sacred question, "What is Real?". This commitment to the pursuit of reality is what makes one a Realist. A Realist is someone who is dedicated to seeking the truth, not someone who necessarily knows it.
To be a Realist you have to be willing to change your mind when you realize that what you conclude is wrong. For example, if you conclude there is life on Mars and it is proven that there isn't, then you have to conclude there isn't life on Mars until the reality of Life on Mars is proven. Conversely, if it turns out there is life on Europa, then you are expected to conclude that there is life on other planets. A Realist is expected to believe in what is real, and to show an active interest in seeking more real knowledge.
This planet is full of religions. Most of this planet are Hindus. Christians are second and they come in hundreds of varieties. Then there are Buddhists, Hare Krishnas, Jews, Muslims, New Agers, and hundreds of others. All of them have their mythology and doctrines. Most of them expect you to believe what they believe in order to be a member. People identify themselves in the context of religious beliefs. It defines, in part, who you are and how you relate to the rest of the world. If you are a Christian, for example, you are expected to follow the Bible and the beliefs of your denomination. If you don't, you could be excommunicated and perhaps burn in Hell forever. Most religions require you to dedicate yourself to their world views. Realism requires that you dedicate yourself to reality. We are like other religions, except that we choose reality over fiction. |