We Issue the Sacred Challenge |
There are a lot of religions and many of them have an Extinctionist perspective on the future of the world. They look forward to the world ending in their lifetime. Our religion is based on Positive Evolution and the progress of humanity is sacred to us. We therefore challenge other religions on the basis of reality to help ensure that they don't destroy civilization pursuing their fiction based religious fantasies. One of our missions is to influence other religions to embrace reality and help them evolve into a better religion that doesn't threaten the future of the human race.
The Sacred Challenge is a challenge to other faiths and religions to ask themselves - "How do we know that what we believe is real?" We in the Church of Reality accept scrutiny and doubt as a way of checking ourselves to make sure that what we believe is true and correct. Other religions are often required to believe things on blind faith, and questioning their beliefs is prohibited. We challenge other religions to test themselves and to be responsible and accountable. Reality is our word and if other religions are going to use our word, then anything claimed to be real is subject to reality testing. Our world view is that scrutiny is a good thing and any religion that refuses to accept scrutiny is admitting by their conduct that what they believe in is fiction.
The Sacred Challenge applies first and foremost to this church itself. Our Principle of Self-Scrutiny demands that we constantly audit ourselves to make sure we are not deluding ourselves. We consider Reality to be a sacred thing. There are many others who claim their belief is real when it's just bullshit. Many people want to be good, moral people who try to "do what is right," but what they think is right has never been put to the reality test. We are a doubt-based religion, and we purify the truth by testing it to make sure what we think is true really is true.
Our message to people of other faiths is "question everything." Challenging your beliefs is a good thing. We ask you to understand exactly what you do believe so that you have greater confidence in your position. If what you believe is real, then it will be even more real when you question it. You may develop a better and deeper understanding of what you believe. Or you might find mistakes that you can correct. If you believe because you believe what you believe in is real, you should have no problem putting it to the test. Besides, if you plan to convert realists or people of other faiths to your faith, then your proof that what you believe is real will help you win over souls. In fact, we in the Church of Reality are committed to believing what is real. So if you can prove something to be real, we will all convert.
We ask other faiths to adopt the Principle of Self-Scrutiny, to ask the Sacred Question, and to encourage your members to challenge your beliefs on the basis of whether it is actually real. We believe that no matter what religion you are, reality will make it a better religion. We require our members to scrutinize us. We accept and welcome scrutiny from you. We challenge you to match us and openly embrace reality. |