Asserting a Constitutional Right |
As the founder of the Church of Reality I declare that I and all of my members have a Constitutional right to smoke pot. This is based not only on the historical event of having formed the church while stoned --- but that smoking pot is essential for coming up with new ideas and further advancing our knowledge of reality and seeing reality the way it truly is. Thus smoking pot is necessary for the practice of our religion itself.
Marijuana -- when used properly -- can significantly enhance your ability to see reality the way it really is. Smoking Pot can improve your ability to think clearly.
An individual in this world is not capable of understanding everything or analyzing everything. Most of what we know is based upon the trust in information and knowledge held by others. Much of that information is inaccurate and has to be reexamined so that we can determine what is and isn't true and to serve society in general by helping to eliminate mythology from the social narrative and replacing it with fact. That is one of our purposes in society and why this church exists. Marijuana is a powerful tool that allows the user to bypass the "herd instinct" and to look at the social narrative from an altered perspective to test it for flaws. Marijuana is not (just) a form of entertainment --- it is a scientific tool. It allow us to use our minds more effectively. We in this church claim a right of access to these kinds of tools.