Our Mission Relating to Christianity |
Our religions both have missions in relation to each other. Christians in general are supposed to convert us heathens to find Jesus - get saved - and become "born again". And we have plans for you too. Our mission is to evangelize reality. To promote the idea that what is real matters. We want to encourage you to think and to act responsibly. We want to make sure that you are denied seeing the end of the world in your lifetime. We see Christianity as an evolving religion and we want to help make sure that it evolves in a positive direction. We want tomorrow's Christians to be better than they are today. Because if our Christian neighbors are sane upstanding members of society - then we realists can explore reality the way we want and grow the Tree of Knowledge. If however Christians run America into the ground starting religious wars and blowing up the world with nuclear weapons and start stoning people for talking about evolution - then we can't practice our "faith".
So - how are we going to help Christianity evolve in a positive direction? By talking about reality. After all - if what Christians believe is real - this shouldn't be a problem. In fact - I would think that embracing reality would make Christians better Christians. So - I would like to throw out some questions for Christians to ask themselves, other Christians, and their religious leadership. We in the Church of Reality accept the principle of self scrutiny as a means for which we evaluate ourselves and stay on track. We assume that we are going to make mistakes - so our goal is to correct those mistakes as soon as possible. We think that self scrutiny is a good thing for all religions because don't we all get off track and don't we all want to get beck on track?