So - in the spirit of self scrutiny - I would like to ask the following questions. These questions aren't something that I expect you to give me an answer to - but questions I want you to ask yourselves so as to better understand your own beliefs and perhaps become a "better" Christian. Which raises the question - "What is a better Christian?" So let us start.
- Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God, that it has been accurately preserved through the ages, and that everything it says is true?
- There are thousands of denominations of Christians. Why do you believe that your denomination is the best one - if you believe that - and can it be improved?
- If you realized that a different denomination of Christianity were more accurate than the one you are currently a member of - would you change religions?
- Do you consider yourself to be one of the "chosen ones"?
- Do you really think that everyone else who isn't a Christian is really going to burn in Hell forever?
- Do you think that Armageddon will occur in your lifetime?
- Do you believe that questioning what you and your religion believe in is a good thing?
- What is the relationship between Christianity and Reality?
- If you realized that what you believe in isn't real - would you change to reality or would you stick with what you believe?
- Is the social culture of your church consistent with what you believe is your religious teachings?
- Why do you think God remains hidden and doesn't have a web site, an email address, or any other direct way to communicate with him? Why do you think God doesn't show up in objective reality?
- Do you limit your circle of friends to people of only your own faith?
- What is the relationship between science and faith? What do you do if there is a conflict?
- Do you consider yourself a "follower" in your religion - or - do you feel you have some ideas to contribute to make your religion better?
- Do you believe that science can prove if God does or does not exist?
- Do you believe that the Bible and science are in harmony?
- If you were in a plane crash and you were the sole survivor - would you believe that God saved your life and let everyone else die? Or - would you believe that God took everyone else home and left you behind?
- Do you believe God is an angry god? What is Gods demeanor?
- Do you believe that you are here for some special purpose?
- If you died tomorrow, how would you want to be remembered? Who would remember you? What accomplishments would you leave behind?
- In 100 years when everyone who even knew you is gone - will people still remember who you are? Or do you think you will be forgotten?
- Do you believe that Realists serve a useful and productive function in stimulating other religions to think about reality? Do you think that being challenged by Realists on the basis of what is real is a good thing for Christians?
- Do you believe that Realism is helpful or threatening to Christianity?
- How many other religions have you researched or visited? Do you believe that any of these other religions have something valuable to contribute?
- Do you consider the lives and rights of all people everywhere to be equal regardless of race, sex, location, and religious affiliation?
- What do you believe is the best relationship between government and religion? Do you think that government should stay out of religion or be dominated by a religion?
- Do you believe Christianity is superior to all other religions?
- Do you envision that some day everyone in the world will be Christians?
- What is your emotional relationship towards people of other religions? Do you feel self righteous indignation or do you feel compassionate understanding?
- Do you believe that non-believers are evil or influenced by evil - and should therefore be avoided?
- Do you think that's there's any chance that your religion is just plain wrong and that you are being duped?
- Do you think that there are other religions who call themselves Christian who are in fact cults?
- How do you tell the difference between "True Christians" and "Fake Christians"?
- What is the relationship between "faith" and "works"? Isn't what you do a real indicator of what you really believe?
- If God knows the future - and what is going to happen has already been decided - do you think that praying will "Change God's Mind" persuading him to grant you a favor?
- When you look around at people of other religions and to see how convinced and dedicated they are to their faith - yet from your perspective you know that what they believe isn't real. Likewise - the other person looks at your religion and is equally convinced that they are correct and you are deluded. How do you know that you really are the one who is right - knowing that if you are wrong that you will be equally sure that you are right?
- What is your commitment to truth and wisdom? What price are you willing to pay to know the truth? If you became aware that you were living a lie - would you continue to live the lie?
- Do you believe that God wants you to know reality the way it really is?
- Do you believe there is any reason why the exploration of reality would be a bad thing?