Having stated how I (and attempting to speak for other Realists) felt about Christians - it's also clear that Realists aren't exactly Christian's favorite people. After all - we are all godless sinners who are condemned to burn in Hell forever. Without a God - we have no morals. That's why we all kill babies, love queers, and are keeping children from praying in school. After all - the bottom line is - if God doesn't control you - Satan does. So - what you're reading right now must be inspired by the Devil.
Some of my closest Christian friends are looking at this Church of Reality and are seeing real potential here. So much potential in fact that they are admitting to wondering if I might in fact actually BE the Anti-Christ. All I can say is - thank you for the compliment and your "faith" in my success - however - we are Realists and we all know that Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ.
And how arrogant of us Realists to think that we need to shepard the poor dumb Christians the poor dumb brainwashed Christians because Realists think they are so "enlightened". Just because Realists put on the Reality title they think that they are so smart - but the reality is that Realists are just as much of a cult as any other religion. Godless sinners who refuse to let Jesus into their heart and accept divine guidance. How can the wisdom of man compare to the wisdom of God?
So - as you can see - we have a big gap to cross. But - we are still stuck here together on this planet so we better try to figure out how to get along. After all - reality isn't going to go away.