Realism and Politics
Our Relationship to Nation States
The Church of Reality is a religion, not a political organization. As a religion we do not endorse candidates or take any partisan political positions. We are not involved in party politics. We strongly believe in the separation of church and state and that separation applies to us as well, even though we believe as strongly as every other religion does that we are right. The scope of the Church of Reality as an institution is to focus on the religion of reality.
The Church of Reality has two separate elements. We are an institution and we are individuals. As an institution we are politically neutral. As individuals we are extremely active. Our Sacred Principle of Activism inspires us to get involved and change the world. In the Church of Reality it is a sin to fail to vote in an election. We don't tell you who to vote for, but our governments have a huge impact on our ability to pursue the understanding of reality and we therefore need to make sure that we elect people who are compatible with our religious goals and vote on issues that support our Principle of Positive Evolution.
Politics is in the realm of individual choice. We are a church of individuals who are strongly individualistic. We are not here to tell you who to vote for. Realists, however, are politically aware people with a keen interest in society and the functioning of government. We are people who participate in the structure of society. We are people who want to make the world a better place, care passionately about causes, social justice, holding leaders accountable, ethical government, peace, and education, to name a few. We are a religion of thinkers. We use reason and wisdom to think things through and come up with the best solution.
We are people who honor those of great political courage. We are people who are not only willing to fight for what's right, but to have the honesty and wisdom to figure out what is right before we fight. We are people who are dedicated to not being fooled by Bullshit and becoming political suckers, because it creates a false sense of self importance. We are willing to go out and protest and, if necessary, to get arrested for causes that are just. We are a culture that speaks out. We believe that to remain silent and allow injustice to occur may be the same as participating in the injustice itself.
Our simplistic definition of our church is that "we believe in everything that is real." But that really doesn't define us. A more accurate definition is that we are here to change society for the better. We are here to transform our world into a better place to live. We are here to transform society into a smarter society. We are here to transform ourselves into better and wiser people. Our goal is the understanding of reality as it really is. But our method for achieving that goal is through Positive Evolution. Positive Evolution isn't an opinion that humanity is evolving forward. Positive Evolution is a commitment we make to do our best to ensure that humanity evolves forward. And we aren't going to evolve forward unless we as individuals are willing to work to affect the nation states that we live in. So even though the Church of Reality is a religion and politically neutral, as individuals we are very politically active. |
Different religions have different world views and our world view is Reality. We want to inject reality into the political process. Reality is our Sacred message. We want our leaders to take reality into account when making decisions that affect all of us. We want to make reality important in society. We want our science classes to teach our children about reality. We want people who propose projects to ask, "is this really going to work?" We want real solutions to real problems. We are a culture of thinkers who are not satisfied with sound-bite politics. We want to see a plan and we want the plan to be a realistic plan. We want our nation states to make sense. So as realists we take a position, as a church and as individuals, to influence nation states toward real solutions to real problems. |
Different religions have different world views and are involved either directly or indirectly in trying to influence nation states to transform to their world view. Islam controls many countries in the Middle East and their laws reflect the Islamic world view. That's why women have to be covered and are routinely executed by stoning for sexual crimes. The Jewish religion controls Israel and they believe that God gave them this property. Christians see themselves as having a mandate of world domination and are actively trying to infiltrate government at every level to impose a Christian world view on all societies. As Realists, we want to see reality as the basis for government.
It is important to compete for political influence because the world views of other religions are not only harmful to Realists but harmful to the members of their own faiths. Their religions are based on their holy books and many of their holy books see the future of the human race in the destruction of the world by God. Many people hold a world view that the worse the world gets, the better it is because we are closer to the fulfillment of the end-of-the-world fantasy that they believe in. They actively support the destruction of civilization as a sign of the "end of time" and the beginning of the Apocalypse. They await the Rapture where God is going to snatch them up into Heaven before inflicting his wrath upon the planet in a sadistic orgy of eternal torture of those who committed the unforgivable sin of having the wrong opinion.
Our goal is to make sure that the world doesn't end in our lifetime.
Yes - there are people who actually believe this bullshit and many of them are in power. In fact, they are making a move to take over the United States right now. A Christian cult that calls itself Dominionist is working to destroy civilization in preparation for the end of the world. It is our job as Realists to ensure that they fail to accomplish their mission.
The threat of a Christian Dominionist cult ruling the world is one of the strongest motivators that inspired the creation of the Church of Reality.
Our world view is based on Positive Evolution. We see the future in terms of society growing and becoming better. We are committed to making tomorrow better than today, and to helping other religions embrace the concepts of reality so that their faiths evolve in a positive direction. If we don't win then they will and the world will end in destruction, but there is no Jesus and no Rapture and all that they will accomplish is that the cockroaches will become the dominant life form on this planet. We, as Realists, want to make sure that humans stay in control. That's our political agenda. We can not allow the Extinctionists to prevail. |
One of the axioms we hold to be an important truth is that one person can change the world. The Tree of Knowledge is full of examples of people who are remembered for changing the world, for better or for worse. Adolf Hitler obviously is not a role model that we want to emulate. We are inspired by leaders like Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela. These are people who embraced reality through using reason, wisdom, and courage and transformed society in a positive direction, making the world a better place to live in. These are people whom we, as Realists, look up to as role models. These people have achieved what Realists consider as close to eternal life as you can get in the real world. They are remembered for their accomplishments and their vision is integrated into the very fabric of humanity.
The following articles were written by children. The pictures link to the original articles at My Hero where you can find essays written by children about other heros.
- Mohandas K. Gandhi - In the early 1600s, sailors from Great Britain made their way to India. At that time, India was a country rich in traditions and culture thousands of years old. The British Empire took control of the government of India and forever changed the face of that country. Ancient traditions and religions were thrown out, made illegal by ruthless British generals eager to make India another England. As you can well imagine, the native people of India suffered greatly, seeing their way of life trampled under the British desire to "civilize" their country.
For the longest time, nobody in India successfully fought back against the British and the oppression they brought with them. This all changed when a small man, born in the ancient city of Porbandar in 1869, stood up and said "Enough!" This man became known the world over as Gandhi, the mahatma or "Great Soul" of India.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's early years showed little sign of the great life he would go on to live. He went to school, was married and later became a rather unsuccessful, terribly shy lawyer. All of this changed, however, one fateful day when Gandhi was denied a seat on a stagecoach in South Africa. The racist driver had made him sit outside in the hot sun on a long trip to Pretoria, simply because he wasn't white. Gandhi, until now too shy to even speak in front of a judge, sued the railroad company and won. From that point on, Gandhi became the number-one spokesman for all powerless non-whites the world over.
After 20 years of aiding his fellow Indians in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India and picked up the fight against British oppression. Instead of encouraging native born Indians to take up arms and force the British colonists out of their country, Gandhi created a policy of non-violent protest. "Non-violence, " he said, "is a weapon for the brave."
For 20 years, non-violent protests, marches and strikes by the Indians wore down British resistance. Confronted by a slight man wearing only a plain cloth and accompanied by millions of followers armed not with weapons but love and truth, the British government in 1946 finally gave India its long-held dream of independence. The fight for India's freedom had been won without a battle having ever been fought.
Sadly, two years after his great victory, Gandhi was shot and killed by an assassin's bullet. But Gandhi's legacy lived on after his death, showing the world that one can be a hero and accomplish great things without guns or swords or hatred. As Gandhi once said, "It is non-violence only when we love those that hate us. I know how difficult it is to follow this grand law of love, but are not all great and good things difficult to do? Love of the hater is the most difficult of all. But by the grace of God even this most difficult thing becomes easy to accomplish if we want to."
- Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta on Sunset Adams Street in 1929. If he was still alive today, he would be 67 years old. He changed his name from Michael L. King. As a kid, he liked to fly kites, ride his bike and play baseball and football. He was also a paper boy. His mom taught him to read before he went to school. He read books about black people who were heroes, like George Washington Carver.
Jim Crow Laws were laws that separated blacks from whites. Martin's parents did not like segregation, which means keeping blacks and whites apart. They did not like that black people had to sit in the uncomfortable chairs and the white people had all the comfortable chairs. They did not like that there were lots of restaurants open for whites and hardly any open for blacks. They did not like that blacks had to use different drinking fountains from whites. They did not like that they had to pray without whites in church. They just wanted to be their friends. Blacks were cursed, chased, lynched and killed, just because of the color of their skin.
A white mom wouldn't let her son play with Martin Luther King Jr. because he was a different color. When blacks came into the stores, white people wouldn't answer their questions. Another person said to get out of the bus seat and Martin said it was not fair. Martin was having a hard time liking whites.
White people treated him well at Crozer College, but he was still angry. He wanted to be a minister, but before that, he wanted to be a professor. Martin thought he could do the same in America as Gandhi did with the Indians.
He married Coretta Scott in 1953. She thought the same way as he did.
On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. It started a boycott of the buses by the black people. They didn't know if it would work, because no one else had tried it before. But the bus boycott worked. It took one year to change the rules.
Martin and Coretta had a baby girl in 1956. Martin Luther King Jr. was the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. He believed that love, not violence, was the most powerful weapon, just like Gandhi believed. People were arrested when white people wouldn't serve them in 1960 and they wouldn't leave the restaurant. Martin and his friends were arrested when they weren't doing anything wrong. John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy helped get Martin out of jail when he was arrested. Martin told people not to obey unjust laws. Children marched in the Children's March in 1963. The police were too surprised to do anything. Police squirted people with hoses and they were bitten by dogs. People watched on TV and started thinking about black people's rights. White people came to hear Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, DC. Two girls were killed while changing into their choir robes when a church bomb exploded. People were beat up and killed over voting rights for black people. Martin was against the Vietnam War. He did not like violence. People were tired of marching. In 1968, people started to get violent and break windows. Martin was 39 when he was killed. He was bleeding a lot and people ran out. His wife wanted to stop the violence, just like Martin Luther King Jr. did.
- Nelson Mandela - Imagine growing up in a country where drinking out of the wrong water fountain might get you thrown into jail; where a man might have the very same job as his neighbor, but because of the color of his skin, get paid less in a year than the other man made in a week; where the government told you that your ancestors and their ways of living were wrong and savage and not even human.
Growing up in South Africa under the Apartheid system of government meant these things, and worse, were part of daily life.
But Nelson Mandela was a fighter. Instead of bowing down to this unjust system of government, he became a lifelong warrior in the battle to free South Africa.
Starting out as a leader of an underground political movement called the African National Congress (ANC), Mr. Mandela played a part in many dramatic demonstrations against the white-ruled government.
Nelson Mandela's career in the ANC was cut short in 1964 when he was sentenced to life in prison. The notorious Rivonia Trial, as his sentencing was called, is now seen as nothing more than a cruel ploy used by the white South African government to silence Nelson Mandela once and for all. But even while in prison, Mandela continued to be a beacon of hope for his people who carried on the struggle against Apartheid in his absence. In 1990, after 27 years of imprisonment, Mandela was freed. His release marked the beginning of the end for apartheid. In less than five years after his release, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and elected president of South Africa.
Today, thanks to the self-sacrifice of Nelson Mandela, apartheid has been outlawed. Everyone in South Africa now has an equal opportunity at home and at work to live comfortable, productive lives. Nelson Mandela is one of the world's true freedom fighters, and his life and personal triumphs will be remembered long after the world has forgotten the evils of Apartheid.
Nelson Mandela's book, Long Walk to Freedom tells the extraordinary story of his life, an epic of struggle, setback, renewed hope, and ultimate triumph.
"I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended."
These are just a few of thousands of people whose vision laid the foundation for modern day wisdom. Their contributions to society live inside us today. When we think of overthrowing oppressors through non-violent protest, those thoughts in our minds started in the minds of these great heroes. We, as Realists, aspire to accomplish something so great that after we die, the best of our thoughts will be preserved in the minds of future generations. These people were chosen as examples of ordinary people who rose up out of nowhere and accomplished great things. Any one of us can be like these people if we choose to do so. We start by deciding to make it happen. Maybe the children of the future will write essays about you. |
The separation of church and state is an important issue for maintaining religious freedom in any nation state. When one religion takes control, other religions are no longer welcome. In most cases, other religions are actively oppressed. There are many religions that think they are right. We, as Realists, are no exception. The Church of Reality is our attempt to create a reality-based religion, and it will be up to history to judge if we have succeeded or not. But for now we are just one of many religions who think they have a better handle on reality than anyone else. We are not the only reality-based religion.
When a government takes control of religion or religion takes control of a government, bad things happen. Religious opinion becomes the law of the land. Islamic nations are quite comfortable executing people for any number of religious crimes that they deem to be against the word of God. Women are put to death for being raped. They allow people to be stoned to death. Christian-controlled nations were responsible for the Dark Ages, Crusades, and many other atrocities. Sometimes the King was a puppet of the Pope; sometimes the Pope was a puppet of the King. Either way there wasn't a lot of free thinking allowed. The Jews control Israel--they believe that God gave them that land and they don't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in the way of that claim. Under Communism, atheism was required and religious people were executed by the state.
The real test of religious freedom (from our unbiased point of view) is how Realists are treated in society. A member of the Church of Reality has more freedom based on church doctrine than any other religion. One of our sacred principles is the Principle of Freedom. If Realists are allowed to be free then probably everyone else is as well. Our religion demands more freedom for the individual than any theist-based religion.
Some religions are against the separation of church and state because they either have control of the government or hope to have control of the government someday. This is very shortsighted because, for example, Christianity is not one religion, it's thousands of religions. Many Christian religions openly hate each other and would be extremely oppressive to other Christians if their group took over. Since Christians can't agree on what a "True Christian" is, what would happen if the government made that decision? When you think this through you can quickly see that a Christian nation would be a disaster - especially for Christians.
The separation of church and state protects the state from the church and the church from the state. It isn't anti-religion, it's pro religion. When government remains religiously neutral it allows an individual the freedom to choose, or to not choose, what religion they want to be. The Church of Reality strongly supports religious freedom and believes that religions should evolve on their own, without government intervention.
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Newsflash |
The IRS has approved the 501(C)3 tax exempt status of the Church of Reality. |
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