Realist Culture
Defining the Realist Role Model
Every religion has a culture. There is a standard of behavior that is considered to be a template or role model that a member of the religion should aspire to. The Church of Reality is no different. Our religion is about people and the communities we form together. Since humans don't come with instructions we have to figure out the instructions on our own. We do so based on the values and goals of the Church of Reality.
Our cultural identity defines who we are in the world community.
Unlike some religions that are based upon what you believe in, the Church of Reality is based on what you do. You are what you do and what you do becomes your Life Story. Our morals and ethics are reality based rather than scripture based. We have to figure out right and wrong for ourselves and the understanding of ethics is a continuous and evolving process. We will never get it right. We can always make it better. To that end we produced this list of things that we generally consider to be good traits and things we consider to be bad traits.
These are not hard and fast rules that you are required to adhere to. In fact, there may be some aspects that you disagree with. There may also be situations where the rules don't apply. The idea here is to create an overall picture or template of what a Realist should aspire to. It's a collection of suggestions to teach people about what is likely to be the right way to live. And it is also a public statement to people of other religions as to what kind of people we are and what our values are.
It is often stated by theistic religions that good and bad are defined by their deity. That, if the deity goes away, then right and wrong go away and chaos ensues. Without commandments nothing will stop people from slaughtering each other in a "survival of the fittest" evolutionary frenzy where the strong males kill the weak males and mate with the females in an evolutionary frenzy. These fears are unfounded because right and wrong don't come from deities and we survive best as a society. Our world view is that our morals are superior to theistic moral systems because our values are reality based and they are evolving. If we get it wrong, we fix it. But if scripture gets it wrong, you're stuck with the mistake forever.
Therefore if you are thinking about making the move to Realism, you are not going to have to give up moral standards. In fact the standards we hold are an upgrade from that of any other religion. And if we find another religion that has better standards than ours, we'll learn from them and copy theirs. So even though we are Atheists, we are good people. Realists are the kind of people you want to have as your neighbors. We are a people who you can trust. We are good for society and good for civilization. Even if you are not a Realist, these are good values to apply to any religion.
The Church of Reality presents these good and bad personality traits not as commandment but as suggestions. We want to avoiding the misconception that they are confused with something like the "Ten Commandments" or the "Seven Deadly Sins". You are not expected to live up to each and every one of these and there is no judgment involved based on these suggestions.
We present a template rather than a set of rules.
The reason they are presented in the form of a template is to show what a good Realist might act like. These are things to teach your children so they have an idea of what good behavior is supposed to look like. It is also a public statement to the rest of the world about what kind of people we are and what our values are.
People of other religions are often concerned about Atheists because they are taught that without God that the concept of right and wrong goes away and society degenerates into a "survival of the fittest" style of evolution where humans evolve by killing off the weak. This fear has been fueled by authors like Ayn Rand who was correct about the existence of objective reality, but dead wrong when it came to extolling the virtues of selfishness and looking at altruism as welfare for the inferior.
Realists are neither Atheists or Objectivists. We have our own culture based on the positive pursuit of the understanding of reality as it really is. To that end we have determined that we explore reality collectively and that our religious pursuit of reality depends on a strong healthy society where humankind lives in peace and harmony. So it is therefo within our mission to have an idea of what that kind of society looks like.
We are also a strongly individualistic religion. We value personal freedom. Thus these suggestions are not to be construed as commandments. We are not here to tell you what to do and how to live your life. Nor will you be judged against these rules to determine where you are going to go in the "next life". However, we think it's safe to say that if you don't appreciate the value of curiosity in a religion that is pursuing the understanding of reality, you're probably in the wrong religion.
These values are not divinely inspired, nor are they considered to be a complete and perfect list. As with anything in the Church of Reality, they are subject to revision and improvement. So this list should be taken seriously, but not too seriously. The Church of Reality is a religion and one of the functions of a religion is to put forth a template to guide people in what is proper behavior. We have taken it a step further in that we try to give some reasoning as to how we came to this conclusion.
Our focus is on the positive side.
We also focus more heavily on what people should be doing rather that what they shouldn't be doing. If you spend your time doing the right thing, there isn't time to be doing the wrong thing. We focus on accomplishment rather than sins, improvement rather than perfection, healing rather than punishing, this life rather than a next life. |
Good traits are traits that we in the Church of Reality consider to be generally traits that one should acquire. This list is meant as a general template rather than a strict set of rules. No one is perfect, nor is this list perfect. Some of these traits might be bad traits in certain circumstances. But this is meant as a guideline as to what kind of people Church of Reality members should be and things we generally value.
Our moral code is based on our Sacred Principles which define who we are and clarify our purpose. This section on good and bad personality traits is to help create some guidelines as to our character as a religion. If a Realist moves into your neighborhood, what should you expect? What kind of people do you want your children to grow up to be like? Here is where we clarify who we are culturally. Are we nice people or mean people? Are we generous or selfish? Are we going to steal your stuff or try to throw your virgin daughters into volcanoes? Or are we going to be knocking on your door asking you if you have a personal relationship with Darwin?
Many people who are theists are concerned that non-theists are of low moral character. They think that without God that all morality and ethics go away and that we are evil people and not the kind of people who you want to associate with. It is our hope that we can put forth what we consider to be a model of behavior that we as Realists can aspire to and that we can define ourselves culturally in a manner that will allow us to live peacefully as a productive member of the greater human community.
The Cultural Identity of the Church of Reality is to be Good People.
- We are Good People - We aspire to be "good people" We see ourselves as productive members of society. We want to be the kind of people who everyone wants to be neighbors with. We want to be considered trustworthy. We want people to say, "Them Realists, they sure is nice folk." We want to be the kind of people that parents want their sons and daughters to get married to. We want to be the kind of people who, when elected to office, people say that all politicians are not crooks because of our responsible behavior. We want property values to go up because there are Realists in the neighborhood. One can debate as to what is good and what is bad but whatever good is, we want to be it. Our cultural identity is to be good people.
- Friendliness - Church of Reality members are generally friendly people. Since we want a world that is safe and secure, where the pursuit of reality will flourish, and we want people to embrace our love for reality, then we should be friendly people. We strive to be the kind of people that everyone would want as part of their communities. We are an easy-going culture.
- Being Positive - The Church of Reality is based on being positive. We are a religion that looks towards a brighter future and we have committed ourselves to making sure that we Evolve in a Positive Direction. We are the kind of people who solve problems. We look for the good side and that every encounter in life is an opportunity to learn something new. We see ourselves as being on the bright side of life.
- Common Sense and Wisdom - Common sense and wisdom are overused terms and no one knows what they really mean, but everyone wants them, and we do too. Common sense is having a firm grasp of the obvious and resisting the temptations to just go along to get along. Common sense means to apply reality to your decision making process and to rely on logic and reason. Wisdom is sort of advanced common sense. Taking the not so obvious and figuring out what's right. We are a clear thinking culture.
- Generosity - Our world view is the Philosophy of the Open Hand. The evolutionary success of humanity has been in our ability to be collective and help one another. We are generous with others and when we have needs, others are generous with us. We take care of each other and we are taken care of. Generosity allows us not only to survive but to thrive. We are all connected and interdependent and the more we give, the more we all have. The Church of Reality is an Altruistic culture.
- Helpfulness - We are a people who reach out our hands. We are cooperative. We volunteer to help do good things. We work to better the common good.
- Charitability - Realists are a charitable people. we donate to worthy causes. It reminds us that we are all in this together. That we are one planet and one people. We progress best when everyone progresses.
- Being Interested and Interesting - We are a religion of curious people. We want to know things. We want to know how everything works. We want to take things apart and put them back together, to build new things, to explore. We also value being interesting people. To be interesting is to give back to the interested because without interesting people there would be no one for the interested to be interested in.
- Smart - In the Church of Reality it's cool to be smart. We are a religion of thinkers. We explore reality with our minds. We like using logic and reason as our way of determining what is true and what isn't. We are innovative. We are the kind of people who solves problems. We find a way to make things work. To us every problem has a solution. We like to use our brains. We value education.
- Thinking - We are a culture of people who like to think about things. We like to think about what is and isn't real. We like to analyze, to comprehend, to understand everything. We want to know how stuff works. Our world view is that thinking is exercise for the mind, and that Realists keep their brains in good shape.
- Creativity - We are a creative and innovative culture that always seeks new and creative ways to accomplish things. We are a culture of builders, inventors, philosophers, artists, and musician.
- Openmindedness - Most every idea presented is worth thinking about. Even if it is clearly a bad idea to start with. If you think about it, there may be something in there that makes a good point. For example, if someone said, "Cannibalism - the solution to global warming.", you might instantly reject the idea. However if you think about it, you might get the real point about overpopulation. We are a culture that is not afraid to explore new ideas or to think about bad ideas for the purpose of seeing if there's anything good that can be extracted. Or to at least try to understand the person presenting the idea. By listening to and thinking about the ideas of others, we set an example and open the door to them to think about our ideas.
- Skepticism - The Church of Reality is a Show Me Religion. We aren't the kind of people who just believe what is written in some ancient book without evidence. Our world view is that truth is purified through Scrutiny and we question everything. The only thing that Realists just "accept" is that the pursuit of the understanding of reality as it really is has value.
- Enthusiasm - We try to bring some excitement into what we do. We are a people who are passionate about being Realists and seeing what we can accomplish.
- Visionary - We are a culture that is focused on making the future better for all the people of the world. We use our imagination to envision a better tomorrow and we figure out a plan to make it happen.
- Resourcefulness - We are a culture of people who are diligent. We make things happen. If we are faced with a problem, it is our job to find a solution. We don't accept that something can't be done. Our view is that we are still working on it and we'll eventually find a way to make it work. (Like the idea of starting a religion based on reality which many people believe isn't possible.) Impossible is just another word for challenge. If someone does the impossible, we might give them an ego treat.
- Honesty - Since the Church of Reality is about reality we have a higher requirement for honesty than most religions. Especially intellectual honesty. The pursuit of reality as it really is is like the disciplines of scientific principles and are designed to help us understand science. If you cheat when doing scientific research then you fail to get good scientific knowledge and discovery stops. The same is true for Realism. If we try to redefine the facts to fit what we want to believe, then we aren't trying to understand reality but rather justify what we want to believe in.
A classic example is the biblical story that the world was created in six days. When you confront a believer about it they might say, "Well, a day to God might be 1000 years." That's not an honest argument because it's an attempt to undermine reality by taking liberties with definitions. For us in the Church of Reality that isn't honest. We accept the proven and reject the disproven. Our religion is meaningless if we start playing with definitions and other sort of trickery to avoid the truth. That's why our Sacred Principles include the Principle of Honesty and Integrity, the Principle of Reason, the principle of Wisdom, and the Principle of Bullshit.
We believe that personal honesty is good too. Although everyone lies and sometimes you have to lie to get along in society, we feel that it is our role to lean strongly towards being honest people. We not only should tell the truth, but we should be prepared to listen to the truth from others. If we don't allow people to speak the truth and we punish them for doing so, then we shouldn't be surprised when they lie to us.
- Personal Integrity - Integrity is a broad concept that includes honesty. It also includes responsibility and activism. A person of Integrity is someone who you can count on to get the job done, to be there, and to be a person that others can count on. Integrity means doing what's right or refusing to do what's wrong. We are a culture of honorable people.
- Being Responsible - The Church of Reality is a religion about responsibility. We are what we do, not what we believe in. We take responsibility for our actions and we are mindful of the consequences of our actions. We avoid being reckless and irresponsible. We try to be dependable. We consider ourselves to be accountable for our actions.
- Being Respectful - We value being respectful of others. We see ourselves as a community that includes everyone and that we should get along in the world in a peaceful and productive manner. Our world view is that others are considered to be good people. We call this Original Virtue. People don't listen to you if you are disrespectful of them. We respect others by really listening to what they have to say and hope that if we listen to them then they will listen to us and we can have meaningful communication about reality. We try to be polite to people. We as Realists try to adopt a respectful attitude in the hopes that being respectful will become the social norm.
- Being Honorable - To be honorable is to live a life worthy of being honored. We are a people of principles. We have a personal mission in life. Our Life Story matters to us. We aspire to be ethical and moral people, upstanding members of the community, heros when heros are needed. We speak when it is wrong to be silent. We take the high road. We serve and uplift.
- Purposefulness - As Realists we see ourselves as doing more than just existing, that we are part of the solution rather than part of the problem. That even if we aren't a big player in the grand scheme of things, that we are at least in the game. That we are accomplishing something. We choose to live the kind of life that gives our life story some meaning.
- Equality - Women in the Church of Reality are fully equal to men. We don't force women into artificial roles, make women wear special clothing, or limit their role in society. Women are free in our culture. We respect the equal rights of others whether that are rich or poor, white or black, gay or straight, or born on a different side of a line that someone drew on a map. Our equality comes from the respect we show towards the equality of others.
- Humility - The ego can turn into a highly addictive and expensive habit. As compared to the vastness of the universe, how important are we? We redirect the ego into exploration and accomplishment. We tend to take pride in what we collectively accomplish rather than what we accomplish individually.
Humility is our strength. it allows us to change. It allows us to admit it when we are wrong. Humility gives us the freedom to explore new ideas. It allows us to change our mind. To explore the universe because we aren't distracted by a false sense of self importance. It allows me to be me and we to be us.
- Compassion and Empathy - We care for one another. We try to put ourselves in the shoes of others so that we can understand how we would want to be treated in the same circumstances. We look at ourselves as being part of the greater we, where we realize that we are all on one planet and one people and what we allow to happen to other people is something that could happen to us.
- Awareness - We are a culture that likes to stay informed and be aware of what's going on in the world.
- Involvement - We are an active and involved culture. We are not the kind of people who sit around and let everyone else take care of the world. We are a hard working culture of people who make things happen. We are a culture that is active and motivated.
- Leadership - We aspire to be leaders rather than followers. To us, to be a leader means that we have taken the responsibility to think things through and to come up with a plan for action that is well thought out and based on realistic goals and expectations. It also means that we have developed the social skills to work well with others and create an environment of respect and teamwork. We don't always have to be the one in charge. But we consider it a positive trait to have the capability of being in charge and being a good leader. We think that people who put reality first are more likely to make better decisions than people who don't.
- Tollerance and Inclusiveness - We are a culture of people that reaches out to people who are different than ourselves. We realize that not everyone in the world is like us and we are all here on this planet together. We need not only to get along, but to thrive together. We create bridges, not barriers. We play nice with other people and expect other's to play nice with us. Our world view is inclusive and understanding in nature.
- Charm - We make our culture so likable that even people who hate us can't help but to like and admire us.
- Kindness and Gentleness - We are a kind and gentle culture that seeks to live our lives in joy and peace.
- Fairness, Ethics and Justice - We try to treat people the way we would want to be treated. By protecting the rights of others, our rights are protected. We try not to take more than our fair share and seek equitable solutions. We are a culture of ethical people who think that we can all get along better in a just society with opportunity for everyone..
- Forgiveness - Realists try not to hold a grudge forever. We try to get over it and move on.
- Gratitude - We try to show appreciation and thankfulness for what we have and what others give us.
- Individualism and Self Ownership - We are a culture where the individual thinks for him/herself. We think in terms of, "I am me. I am unique. This is who I am. This is my life. I am my own person. I make my own choices. I am writing my life story. This is who I want to be. These are my dreams. These are my goals. My preferences. My personality. My rights. My responsibilities. My family. My children. My problems. My dignity. My feelings. My property. My home. My data. My blog. My projects. I have my own skills. I have my own ideas. This is what I want to wear. I vote for whomever I want. It's my body. My medicine. My vision. My memories. My privacy. My religion. My politics. My computers. My history. My time. My routine. My schedule. My associates. My community. My role in society. My self respect. My personal values. My moral decisions. My food. My information. My identity. My self esteem. Stay out of my business. I make my own decisions. I have my own friends. I choose my own relationships. I choose my own life partners. I control my reproduction. I choose the form of my own death. I think my own thoughts. I control my own destiny. I own myself. My life is important to me. Don't tell me to stand up to authority." We are a culture that embraces personal liberty.
- Courage and Fortitude - If Realists are going to change the world and make tomorrow better than today, we have to have the courage to act. If we are part of a group that is about to do something wrong, then we don't just go along to get along. Sometimes reality requires that we make the hard choices to do what we know is the right thing to do. We are the kind of people who aspire to be the ones who others count on in an emergency, to have the courage make the right choices.
- Determination - There's nothing that we can't do if we put our mind to it. We take the position that every problem has a solution and that if we keep trying we can accomplish anything. The word impossible to us means challenge.
- Innovation - There's an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." That saying doesn't apply to us. Realists are innovative. We are the kinds of people who invent stuff. We are the ones who come up with new ideas. Like this religion for example. If it works, we can make it work better. We improve things. Through innovation, we grow the Tree of Knowledge. Innovation is one of our gifts that we give out to children. As we enjoy the innovation of our ancestors, so we innovate for our children.
- Discipline - We are a culture that puts value on taking control of one's own life and not allowing our emotional impulses to rule our lives. The disciplined mind is not easily fooled. We do not let our egos cloud our judgment. We think things through carefully. We question ourselves to check for delusion or self deception.
- Our Legacy - Since the Church of Reality doesn't have an afterlife, all that remains after we are gone is our Life Story and what we have contributed to human culture in a way that is worth remembering. We want history to record that we did something useful with our lives and that our existence helped make the world a better place.
- Humor - Not all people are funny, if you are, that's a plus in the Church of Reality.
Here is a list of traits that the Church of Reality generally considers to be bad traits. As with the good traits, no one is perfect and something listed here might not be bad depending on the circumstances. However, in general these are traits to be avoided and the less of them you have the better off you are.
- Anger - Everyone gets angry every now and then, but being angry is a bad habit. Anger is something that we avoid. There are many cultures and religions that are angry and the Church of Reality is not one of them. We consider anger in general to be a negative trait. Which doesn't mean that one should never get angry and that some anger might be good in some situations. However, it is our way to not stay angry. We are a culture that solves problems and we are a culture of peace. So if we get angry we seek to get over it, find some resolution, and move on.
- Hate - Hate is something we actively avoid. Hate is like poison for the soul. It is destructive in nature and if you focus on destruction, then you're not focusing on being constructive. The Church of Reality is a culture of construction. We are a people who build on things rather than tearing things down. In order to build the Tree of Knowledge we have to focus on seeking solutions to find ways to make things work. Our world view is Inclusive and we see everyone as being one of us. Hating would undermine the mission of what we are as Realists.
- Violence - We are a non-violent religion. Even in situations where violence may be necessary we always consider having to resort to violence as a failure. We are not a religion that sees ourselves "at war" with the non-believers. We see the use of force as a last resort. We are a religion of peace and a culture that focuses on getting along with people rather than looking for a fight.
- Terrorism - Our world view is that any religion that has to rely on terrorism to enforce their point of view is admitting, by their conduct, that their world view is too weak to stand on it's own. Terrorism has no place in Realist culture. Our world-view is strong enough to endure on its own.
- Racism, Prejudice, and Bigotry - The Church of Reality is an inclusive religion. Our would-view sees everyone as unique individuals. We do not see the world in terms of "us" vs. "them" where "we" are the "chosen people" and "they" are "infidels" or the "evil ones". We do not judge people or condemn them based on their beliefs, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, culture, or what sports teams they cheer for. A Realist tries to make a place at the table for everyone.
- Dishonesty - You don't get to reality through dishonesty. This is especially true when it comes to your religion. When someone chooses to believe something and uses deception to promote their believes, that's just plain wrong. Many religions take the position that you can say whatever it takes to get converts and that the end justifies the means. In the Church of Reality if we don't stick to reality then our religion means nothing. Reality stops where dishonesty starts. Our religion doesn't have to make false and dishonest arguments to sustain itself.
- Rationalization - Rationalization is a rejection of reality. It's a way of finding a reason to justify things we know are wrong. Rationalization is an excuse for a lie. Sometimes one is lying to oneself and sometimes one is lying to others. It is a process to hold on to belief systems that fails to stand up to scrutiny. Our world view is that rationalization is something you give up when you become a Realist.
- Living the Lie - Living the Lie is when rationalization becomes your lifestyle or your livelihood. It's when you identify yourself with the deception. We Realists value our Life Story which is the sum total of everything we've done in our life in this world. Living the Lie includes cults and religions that don't stand up to scrutiny.
- Selfishness/Greed - Realists are a culture of people who value giving and sharing. We are exploring reality together and building the Tree of Knowledge. Selfishness might give an individual a short term advantage, but in the long run we do better when everyone does better. Our world view is that it is in our self interest to not be selfish.
- Ego - We live in a universe with trillions of galaxies containing billions of stars each. Our planet is a spec of dust in the universe and we live about 80 years (if we're lucky) in a universe that is about 15 billion years old. So how important can a person be? Should the biggest tick on a dog have an inflated sense of self importance? If I were the smartest person on this planet, what would that mean? It would mean we live on a dumb planet.
Ego is a bad habit. It can get hungry if you indulge it. We do need, however, to have a sense of purpose. Because we are social by nature, we need to feel that we are a productive and useful member of society. We have evolved to need the affirmations of our fellow humans to feel good about ourselves. But some people become addicted to that feeling and it can be like having a drug addiction where you need more and more of it to feel normal. We look at ego as if it were like eating candy. You can have a little every now and then, but if you eat too much, it will rot your teeth. So it's alright to have an Ego Treat but we are mindful not to do too much. Our Principle of Humility helps to ensure that we don't allow our illusion of self importance to cloud our judgment and become a distraction from our collective pursuit of reality.
Having too much ego makes you vulnerable to Ego Addiction where a person is completely dependent on the affirmations of others for a sense of well being. This allows others to control you and manipulate you through the giving or withholding of ego treats. It is one of the ways that cults maintain control over the individuals. They get you hooked on feeling that you are special and they use it to make you believe what they want.
A Realist must be able to withstand rejection and ridicule in order to pursue reality as it really is. We have to be strong enough to know we are right when everyone around us thinks we are wrong. And when we are wrong, we need to be humble enough to admit we are wrong, change our minds, and move on. A limited ego is necessary to maintain intellectual independence and freedom. One can be proud of one's humility. But just a little proud.
- Stupidity - Some people are smarter than others, but some people don't even try to think things through. They let their mind atrophy from disuse. We believe that's wrong. Realists are expected to use their brain. Our world view is that those who think make better decisions than those who don't. Some people see being stupid as a virtue and are actually proud of how stupid they are. Not us! We don't expect everyone to be a genius. We do however expect people to use what they have and to think things through.
- Self-Righteousness and Condemnation - There are a lot of religions out there where people believe that they were chosen by some deity and that they are better than everyone else. The Church of Reality is not one of those religions. One of the problems with being judgmental of others is that you never live up to your own standards and you just end up hating yourself. Self-righteousness and condemnation are a prelude to justifying violent behavior and is one of the steps that leads to wars. They create a self sense of self-importance allowing others to easily manipulate you. They create separation between people.
- Obsession, Compulsion, and Addiction - People are sometimes driven by their bad habits. Realists try to discipline themselves to resist bad habits, being obsessed with things that are trivial, and becoming addicted. All these undermine self control and good judgment that are essential to being a functional member of society.
- Destructiveness - The Church of Reality is a constructive culture. We like to build rather than destroy. We aren't the kind of people who take pride in burning things down or blowing things up.
- Negativity - You can't always be positive all the time, but our culture is positive rather than negative. Some religions take an Extinctionist view of the future. They are paranoid of people from other religions. They see everyone else as an "enemy" and that they are "at war" with the "outside world". We as Realists choose to shift our view to the bright side and be positive. Our world view is that one can choose to be either positive or negative towards their lot in life. We see being negative as something that is a drain, a waste of energy, and a bad habit.
- Repression - The Church of Reality values individuality. we want to be who we are and therefore we respect the rights of others to be who they are. We are not a repressive culture that forces people into a mold to make them be a particular way. We see ourselves as the sum total of all of our individualities.
- Close Mindedness - We are a culture of thinkers looking for new ideas and things for our minds to explore. Even weird bizarre ideas need to be thought about to some extent just to appreciate how weird and bizarre they are. In some cultures and religions one is encouraged to be closed minded. You are expected to believe in something without questioning it. In the Church of Reality we embrace Scrutiny and we believe that truth is purified through Doubt. We are an open minded culture and being closed minded is a bad trait.
Close mindedness takes many forms. Often people get in the habit of ridiculing people with new and innovative ideas. Even if someone's idea is neither new or innovative, we encourage people to keep thinking and keep trying. A closed minded person doesn't like any new ideas and they often will attack and ridicule anything that represents change. That is also another reason why Realists should keep a low ego profile and keep anger under control because there are too many closed minded people out there that will get under your skin if you don't maintain mental disciplines. We are close-minded only to the idea that being close-minded is a virtue.
- Indifference - The Church of Reality is based on the axiom that the pursuit of reality has value. Our world-view is that reality matters. Indifference is the opposite position, that nothing matters. Indifference undermines the concept of values. It implies that what you believe is equal to what is actually real. It implies that truth doesn't matter. It implies that actions do not have consequences. It undermines purpose.
- Irresponsibility - Irresponsibility is the fruit of indifference. We live in a society and the acts of the individual affect the whole. Our culture values thinking things through, respecting others, accomplishment, and creating a Life Story that one can be proud of.
- Faith without Questioning - In the Church of Reality, faith is considered a bad trait. Faith is the ultimate form of close-mindedness. Faith as we define it is the requirement that things are believed, not only without any proof or evidence, but often in spite of the evidence. Or things are required to be believed where questioning and scrutiny are prohibited. Our world-view is that truth is purified through scrutiny and that anything that is true and real will stand the tests of logic, reason, evidence, and the principles of science. We see faith as cheating and that it leads to the obscuring of reality as it really is. In our religion, anything that you have to accept on faith is considered to be not true.
Some people wonder if being a Realist is some kind of cold dry religion. Some people think that our religion has no soul, that we are just scientists and our beliefs are all about physics and mathematics and equations. That we believe in evolution and that our culture is based on the survival of the fittest. Are we Realists just godless heathens? Do we Realists have the passions that fire our souls the way that the theistic religions do?
Technically since other religions have passion means that humans are capable of passionate religious experience. There isn't anything that other religions do that is outside of reality. Humanity has a long history about being passionate about their deities.
As we all know, the gods of everyone else's religions are false gods. We realists only believe in one less god that the other religions don't believe in. However, if any of these deities can be proven to be real, then we would believe in all deities that actually exist.
Our religious experience is founded on the contemplation of the universe that we exist in. Our minds reach out through space and time and fill the universe with our wondering. Who are we? Why are we here? How do we understand understanding? To answer this we must first describe our creation story.
Our Creation Story
From what we understand so far, the universe started some 13.6 billion years ago with an event that we loosely call "The Big Bang". The Big Bang was the beginning of both space and time, so since time began at the Big Bang there is no such thing as "before" the Big Bang because if time didn't exist, then "before" can not exist. If this doesn't make sense to you don't worry because I don't understand it either. The idea that space and time started from a single point called a quantun singularity is something that is difficult to grasp. The idea of what happened before time existed is as confusing to me as asking a theist if God was real before he created reality.
But the smart people have figured a lot of this out and I trust them because science is a quest for the truth. Science is the process of discovering reality as it really is. It is based on evidence, logic, and discipline. Science uses the Scientific Method that we refer to as the Sacred Method. It accepts Scrutiny and in both science and the Church of reality, if something is proven wrong, then we change our minds. Science has to be 100% true to reality, because if you try to cheat with science, then science stops. Anything derived from a wrong conclusion is likely to also be wrong.
The universe started as pure energy and remained that way for about 300,000 years. As the universe expanded and cooled, early matter started to form. Early matter didn't include all the elements as we know them, just the smaller lighter ones like hydrogen and helium. Over billions of years gravity pulled the matter together and through heat and pressure they ignited as stars. These stars were nuclear reactions and over billions of years the reaction produced the heavier elements. This is the "star stuff" that Carl Sagan says we are made of.
Eventually these stars exploded and the material was kicked out into space. Gravity again took effect and new stars and planets were formed out of the new materials. These starts were second generation stars. Some 4 billion years ago this planet was formed out of the rubble and our world began.
Over time early life formed. It took billions of years to just get to single cell creatures but as time progressed life became more and more complex through natural selection. All life evolved together in a single living system with things evolving to eat other things and adapt to a changing environment. Eventually life evolved into what we are now. Whatever that is.
In the beginning the universe was dumb. Existence just existed. It was just there, but it wasn't aware. But now on this planet life has evolved to the point where we are aware of our own existence. We are aware that we are part of reality and that reality and the universe exist. We don't know what is happening on other planets. We might be one of billions of planets where self-awareness exists, or we might be the only place in the universe where life has evolved to this level. The odds favor that we are not alone in the universe. We can make guesses about that, but at this point we just don't know. But it's something we want to find out.
Reality is aware of its own existence through us.
Since our minds have evolved self-awareness and we have become aware of our own existence and aware of the universe, and because we are parts of the reality that created us, it can be said that through us reality is aware of itself. Through us reality experiences an awareness of its own existence. That existence itself knows that it exists through us. We are the vessels through which the universe thinks. Take a moment and contemplate that.
Since we don't know if we are alone or if other life exists through which the universe experiences itself, we should treat this special planet as if we are alone in the universe and that we have a responsibility to continue to evolve and to explore until we find out what the big picture looks like. We have an opportunity to explore reality the way it really is so that reality can know itself through us.
Other religions talk about a magical experience where they feel that they are one with their creator. That God is touching their hearts and that they can feel a universal awareness of which they are a part. This fills their souls and gives passion and meaning to their lives, and it causes them to know in their heart that what they are doing is right. But where does that experience come from when the deity they experience doesn't really exist? Is it possible that the experience is real, but that their understanding of what it is isn't real?
Our minds interpret what we experience.
For example, when we look up at the sky and see lightning and hear thunder, we know that weather creates energy in the atmosphere and that clouds develop electrical charges and when those charges build up, they discharge. Early humans saw the same things but what they experienced was a battle of the gods. That a great war was going on between the forces of good and evil between deities that live in the clouds. We have been to the clouds and there's nothing there except for water vapor. Early humans experienced something. But it wasn't what they thought they experienced. The saw the lightning, but their gods didn't exist.
We understand reality collectively.
We are an evolved species. What makes us special is that humans have the ability to share knowledge and our survival is based on our ability to learn from each other. We can communicate and store information collectively which allows us to build great societies and advanced technologies millions of times more complex than can be contemplated by our individual minds. We in the Church of Reality call this collective information the Tree of Knowledge which represents the sum total of all human understanding. Even though we are individuals, we are also part of a great mental community consisting of billions of minds that are integrated into the matrix of life on this planet that sustains our existence.
When we launch telescopes into space to peer back to the beginning of time, we do not do that as individuals. We do it collectively. It is the eyes of billions of people acting as a single life-form feeding into a collective mind through which we comprehend our existence collectively. We are all members of a greater being and we think collectively through it and the universe comprehends itself though humanity, and we are part of that humanity.
Food that is good for us tastes good because of evolution.
Have you ever wondered why things that are good to eat smell good and things that are bad to eat smell bad? Do you think that's a coincidence? It's evolution. We are the descendents of those who got the eating problem right. The same is true of sex. The things that feel the best are the things that lead to pregnancy. This is not a coincidence. If we do things that enhance our ability to survive and to thrive it's going to feel good, taste good, smell good. look good, sound good.
So - connect the dots. If humanity survives through collective knowledge then the process of linking our thoughts collectively is going to feel as good as good food or good sex. We feel the oneness with each other because we need the oneness to survive and to evolve. The oneness is part of who we are and what we as humans need to do to thrive.
Science is new to our species and our planet. There is no fossil evidence that dinosaurs or dolphins built spacecraft. If they had technology their trash would still be here with us just as our trash will be here a billion years from now. Early humans looked up at the sky and wondered who they were and what kind of a world they lived in. They didn't have anyone to teach them the things we take for granted, so they started guessing and trying to figure it out. These early guesses became early religion.
Modern day law and science and social structure evolved from early religions.
Religion was part of the human evolutionary process. It was the root of modern day society, law, justice, and science. It was our first attempt at explaining the universe, who we are, and why we should get along with each other. It helped form the communities and social structures that made more complex ideas possible. In order to understand the universe we had to be able to link our minds into one great mind and only through that process could we comprehend the things we do today. As much as Atheists will hate to hear this, without religion, their would be no science. Even though the gods that religion believes in are not real.
Reality based religion is the next step in religious evolution.
The Church of Reality is the next step in the evolution of religion. We are a religion dedicated to the belief in what actually is real and dedicated to the exploration of real reality as it really is. Since our survival depends on our collective evolution in the understanding of reality it is no surprise that this experience is just as "spiritual" as that of other religions.
Our minds can feel the universe contemplating itself through us.
One can feel the universe contemplating itself through us. Our minds touch each other as one mind. We dream about a future where our children live in a world of peace and harmony, exploring the universe and understanding things that we can't even contemplate today. If we continue the way we are now, then 100 years from now if you take all the information that is stored in our minds and the information in books and computers, of everything on the planet - that information will fit on a single computer that the average person can carry in their pocket. And if we can do that in 100 years, where will we be in a billion years?
We were raised to think in terms of deities. Our minds are not computers. We learn mostly by imitating our parents and teachers. So because of our upbringing we are familiar with associating our religious passions with an omnipotent father figure. But that's not who we truly are. We are part of the evolution of reality. We are reality becoming aware of itself through us. Reality created us and just like other religions, we are trying to comprehend our creator.
We are good people because we have to be good people to survive.
So why do Realist love each other? Why do we protect each other's children? Why do we sing together? Why do we die protecting the safety of others? Why do we do these things when we know there is no reward or punishment waiting for us in some next life? We do it for the same reason that our left hand needs our right hand. For the same reason our cells don't leave our body to live as an independent single cell life-form. It's because we are all part of a bigger life-form and that humans are like cells in this greater collective being. We are more like a hive of bees than we are individuals, when it comes to survival. Humans are totally interdependent on each other.
We admire heroes because of evolution.
Think about it. What kind of stories fire your soul? We are inspired by great heroes who accomplish great things for society. We admire people who achieve great things in the face of adversity. We want the good guy to win in the end. We want the couple to live happily every after. There's a reason we all have a good idea about what is good and bad, as if it is "written in our heart". It's the same reason that good food tastes good and good sex feels good. It's because good society is necessary for our survival and our love for each other is part of our survival. We admire heroes because society depends on the heroes.
If love came from the worship of deities then Atheists wouldn't love.
Humanity's love for each other exists across all religions and non-religions. If it came from a deity then only those who are associated with the deity will have it. One might argue that God influences everyone whether you believe in him or not. In our religion we believe that reality influences everyone whether they believe in it or not. Reality doesn't go away when you stop believing in it.
Realists hold the key to human evolution.
We as Realists hold a special place in society because we are the heroes of the religious world. We are the ones who dedicate our lives to keeping the social systems honest. We are the ones who stop the wars that other's start. We are the ones who invent new things through the exploration of reality as it really is. In ancient times, to heal the sick was a miracle, now it is commonplace. We can take the heart out of one person and put it into another and have the recipient live. We are doing the things that religions call miracles because we put reality ahead of fiction. Our exploration of reality has allowed us to land on the Moon, talk to people across the world, and program rocks to think. So we have an advantage as a culture in that people from other cultures are going to naturally like Realists for the same reason that good food tastes good. People will naturally like us because we are the heroes that make society work. We are the ones who put reality first.
We can live forever - if we invest in science.
Other religions promise eternal life. We don't - yet. We can live many times longer than we do now and we might be able to live forever if we invest in technology to make it happen. Science has already more than doubled the life spam of humans and we can double it again and again. And if it turns out we can't live forever, then we will at least understand why we can't. (If we understand what "forever" really means in a universe where time might not be infinite.) And if there is a God and it isn't hiding from us, then we will find it. And if we find it, then we will find the real one and know what it really wants. We will find what really is real and whatever that is, we will believe it.
We choose evolution over extinction.
The bottom line is that reality is out there and it's not going away. We can either embrace it or reject it. There are only two paths to the future for the human race; evolution and extinction. We in the Church of Reality choose evolution over extinction. We are the gateway to the infinite possibilities that the future holds for us. But we can only get there if we put reality first.
There are many ways that Church of Reality culture is like the culture of other religions and also many ways that we are different. We like to think that we have all the good stuff that other religions have, plus a few new traits, and reject all the bad stuff. That is at least where Realist culture should be and if we aren't what we should be, we then we should change.
For the most part we recognize that all religions share a desire for people to be "good people" and do what's right. In that respect we are like them. The difference being that we rely on logic and reason as opposed to faith and holy books to determine right from wrong. It is also part of our culture to think things through and to change and adapt. If we realize that we are wrong, we change our minds. If we are faced with a new situation, then we reason it out.
Where we tend to differ is that we are an includive, rather than an exclusive culture. Although most religions welcome anyone who converts, they have no respect for the nonbelievers. Our culture is that we are surrounded by people who believe differently than we do, but we don't condemn them, we include them, listening to their good ideas and sharing our good ideas with them.
Realists put science and logic first, so we value using our minds. Our values include being curious, the desire to learn, to explore, to want to understand everything. In other cultures that appreciate these values, they don't have the same level of importance that we place on them. In fact, many other religions look down on reality describing it as the "material world" and should be considered to be inferior to the "spiritual world". Our worldview is that the material world is all we have and we have to do the best with what we have to work with. We don't believe in a deity that will fix our mistakes and bail us out when we get into trouble. So we have a higher sense of responsibility and appreciation for the benefits and consequences of our actions. Instead of praying for something, we work hard to get it.
The Church of Reality sees the future as improving as a result of our commitment to the Principle of Positive Evolution. We see ourselves as the stewards of our planet. We look at this rock in space as our home and that hard work and good choices will result in a brighter future. Many other religions see the future in terms of the end of the world. Our view is that how you look at the future makes a difference in how you treat the present. We value the future. That's why we call the future the Sacred Direction.
Looking to the future also help us embrace change. We assume that a lot of what we believe is wrong or at least can be improved. Other religions look to the past where current events are interpreted against ancient texts that are essentially static. In our view evolution is something we can and should embrace and use to better ourselves.
We look at reality as "our world". Many religions focus on "the next world" and look down on the "material world". We feel that having a positive attitude towards this world is better than having a negative attitude towards this world.
We are a Monorealistic religion meaning we believe in one reality. There is only "this world". Other religions often believe in "other worlds" creating two sets of realities with one set bound by physical laws with the other being the realm of the supernatural where "miracles" occur. Our view is if someone real doesn't do it then it doesn't get done. This causes us to put more focus on personal responsibility.
Many religions put belief ahead of behavior. They refer to their holy books that can and are read in a way that say anything they want. In the Church of Reality we look at what you do. Our worldview is that what you do is what you believe. Although we are forgiving, we are not "forgiven". We don't blame our behavior on the influence of deities or demons that control us. We put value in accountability. We do what we do and when it's done we did it.
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