Real is something that actually exists as opposed to things that don't exist. Everything has the property of either being real or being not real. Although we might not know the state of an objec, we do know that everything is either real or not. There is no half real state or something that is outside the scope of reality.
To avoid definition abuse, if someone asked the question, "Is Superman real?", one could say that he exists as a known fictional character, a comic book, and a trademark. Real means not fictional.
The Church of Reality is a Monorealistic religion in that we are all part of the One True Reality which includes everything that actually is real.
Definiton of Real from
adj. - Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness.
- True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghosts; a film based on real life.
- Of or founded on practical matters and concerns: a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.
- Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility.
- Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name: a real friend.
- Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation: tourists hoping for a real experience on the guided tour.
- Not to be taken lightly; serious: in real trouble.
- Philosophy. Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.