There are thousands of religions that believe in a wide variety of different things. But which religion - if any - is the true religion? Who has it right? Are the Christians right? Are the Jews really the chosen people? The Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Mormons? Hare Krishnas? Or - there is us - the Church of Reality. But are we real or have we become corrupted like all the other religions have? I of course believe that my religion - reality - is the real religion. And I do have an advantage that a religion based on believing in everything that's real - and it doesn't get more real than reality. But - how do I know that this church isn't itself corrupted and has degenerated into an oppressive cult that uses reality as a brand name the same way the Justice Department uses the word "justice"?
The Church of Reality hereby asks the sacred question to all other religions and to ourselves and to everyone as individuals - is your religion real? Are your beliefs real? Did the things you believe happened really happen? How do you know that you are not living a lie? If I put you in a room with people from 10 other religions, can you articulate to these other people an objective reason that your religion is more real than their religion is? Do you even believe that your beliefs have to be real? Or - are you comfortable with the idea that it doesn't matter if what you believe is real or not?
Everyone believes their religion is real. But how do you know that you're not just brainwashed? How do you know that your core beliefs aren't just one big scam? When you look at other religions you shake your head wondering how people could possibly believe in them. When they look at your religion they think the same thing. When I look at both of your religions I think the same thing. But what about my religion? Everyone believes in their own religion. So then - why is your religion real?
One of the core reasons that this church exists is that there are too many religions and cults and other belief systems that have no connection to reality whatsoever. This leads to people behaving in ways that are harmful to the human race. For example - on 09-11-2001 hijackers hijacked 4 planes and crashed them into buildings for religious reasons. They believed that they would be rewarded by God with 70 virgins. Is there belief based on reality? I would hope not - otherwise - God is really weird. We look at this thinking that those Muslims are irrational, but Christians believe that God had to have his son murdered to prove some symbolic point about salvation and that belief is every bit as weird to me as crashing planes into buildings.
If these beliefs were put to the "is this real" test then maybe these guys wouldn't crash planes into buildings. Maybe Christians wouldn't be looking forward to the destruction of the world and take responsibility and help make our speck of dust in the universe a better place to live. Maybe people would quit wasting massive amounts of resources trying to create a fantasy world that gives them the illusion of security and self importance and redirect that effort towards making our real world a better place for all to live in.
Many religions are little more than a money scam. Religion is used to trick people and play upon their fears and hopes in order to control them. Billions of people are being duped into believing things that are totally baseless. This puts a huge toll on society and is costly not only to the believers themselves, but to society as a whole.
Almost everyone would agree that most religions fit into this classification. In fact - most people would say that about almost all religions but their own. Most people think they believe in the "True" religion and that their beliefs are real. But are they? I challenge everyone who reads this to ask the question, "How do I know that what I believe is real? How do I know I'm not being fooled like billions of other people?" To get people to ask the question - "Is my religion real?" is a goal of the Church of Reality and it applies especially to the Church of Reality itself. Because if the Church of Reality isn't about reality then it fails in it's mission.