Making the World a Better Place |
In the spirit of the Principle of Positive Evolution and to grow the Tree of Knowledge, it is our dharma to make the world a better place to live in. The quest for knowledge is a shared experience with each individual building upon the work of those who came before them. We form a collective mind that is based on the work of those who came before us and we contribute to toady's knowledge in the hope that knowledge will continue to grow in the future. We realize that in order to grow we need to take care of the basics of life and to take care of each other in a healthy productive society. It is therefore the dharma of the Church not only to pursue the understanding of reality the way it really is, but to create the kind of environment where that is possible.
A world of happy people who are well fed, who have access to education, to justice, to medical care, to housing, and all the other needs of basic living are more likely to grow the Tree of Knowledge than those who are oppressed, poor, hungry, sick, and homeless. We believe that people are better off building computers than fighting wars. So - making the world a better place is a necessary part of the understanding of understanding and it is why we encourage people to become /root and do tech support for the human race.