Although war can not always be avoided, there is no honor or victory in war. Our world view is that war always represents the failure to achieve peace and it is always something to be ashamed of. War is to be remembered from the perspective of failure and as a lesson to learn to avoid war in the future. We in the Church of Reality understand - especially in this day of nuclear and biological weapons - that peace is not something that is optional, and that we have a responsibility to our fellow human beings to do whatever it takes to avoid war.
We must never be proud of war. War is always a failure to achieve peace.
The peoples of this planet are all united in the reality that we all share this world together. It is imperative to our existence and our development that we learn how to live together - how to share in a fair and equitable manner. We must all survive together and do whatever it takes to make it work out. We have to be smart - we have to be brave - and we have to be wise. We have to not only be understanding - but also to insure that others understand us.
Terrorism and torture are just plain wrong. There is a basic moral certainty that cuts across all religions and we in the Church of Reality join with the religions of the world who are in opposition to crimes of war. The Church of Reality stands for the advancement of civilization and that whenever possible we must preemptively adapt to a changing political, technological, and biological environment. It is part of our mission to help ensure the Peace.
We realize that there are people in the world who are dangerous to themselves and to others. But our solution is not to fight enemies but to evolve enemies into friends.
See also: War and Peace